Roach Motel profile picture

Roach Motel

About Me

1980, Gainesville, FL - Roach Motel play their first gig, opening up for the Bazookas at a tiny dive for about six people and a toothless bartender. A legend is born.
1984 - After an illustrious career during which the boys find a real drummer; tour with Black Flag, Minor Threat and Suicidal Tendencies; play with Dead Kennedys, CH3, the Necros and others, get lucky, release four records (including the mind-blowing punk compilation, "We Can't Help it if We're from Florida" and their debut "Roach & Roll", both of which are highly sought-after collector's items), the band finally implodes from the pressures of fame, money, and punk cred. In a haze of booze, broads, and Percodan, the members scatter across the US.
Last known whereabouts:
* Bob Fetz - Spotted on the "F" train to Brooklyn mumbling, "I am Gilligan."
* George Tabb - Founded the world-wide Punk Television (Ptv) media empire.
* Jeff Hodapp - Runs a successful flamingo farm in South Florida
* Frank Mullen - Producer of pornographic movies
* Eric Engan - Last seen on "America's Most Wanted" (reward pending)

My Interests


Member Since: 1/23/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Bob Fetz, Jeff Hodapp, Eric Engan, Frank Mullen, Gerge Tabb, and a few other losers who couldn't cut it.
Influences: Case after case of room-temperature Budweiser.
Sounds Like: Two rats humping in a shoebox full of rusty keys.
Record Label: Destroy Records
Type of Label: Indie