We are made up of a group of worship leaders that are either Christ for the Nations students or alumni.
We have members from all around the world including Japan, Korea, Brazil, Peru, and the United States.
Our new name is:
engage |en'gaj|
-to capture or attract attention
-to connect or fit into place
-to pledge oneself
-to enter into combat or conflict
This paints such an incredible picture of what true worship is. We believe worship is our opportunity to engage or capture God's attention. It engages us into a story that is bigger than ourselves. David said in Psalm 69:9 that "zeal for Your house consumes me". Worship is a part of everything we are, in everything we do. It is our vision that as we lead God's people into worship that we connect ourselves to the heart of God and do battle for the glory of the His kingdom.
-River of Life Church-
-Victory Church - Natchitoches, LA-