Jodie profile picture


happyhappyhappy.......must be them tablets! lol xxxx

About Me

If you are looking at my profile then you probably already know me!Just want to say how much I love all of my friends and how important they are to me. Lucy, Fallon and Rachel, none of whom have succumbed to Myspace addiction ... yet! and the rest of you who are all on here....I love you all for different reasons and you all have different qualities and thats what makes you all so special.Thanks for lookin at my profile xxx

My Interests

I love pole dancing- which I do for exercise, have my own pole at home, pretty good at it!! I'll get some photo's up of me dancing eventually!I love cleaning!I love having my hair and nails done.I love shopping!I really love my cat Baby.I say love alot !! Just noticed that !Oh and I talk A LOT!Oh and I LOVE Christmas I'm already counting down!

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I like any music really.When I'm out I prefer Hip Hop, Garage, RnB .....Do like some cheesy old stuff tooPole dancing though I like to move to rock music .... not too heavy but something that makes me feel the movements (that sounds crazy but i can't explain it, its a feeling)


I love the film The Girl Nextdoor. I love Bad Boys 1 and 2. Chris has got me into 'Friday' cos he knows all the words to the film ..... saddo I love Fast and the Furious 1 and 3. Gone In 60 Seconds I thought the Saw films were gruesome but clever.Anything with Samuel L Jackson or Martin Lawrence in it.Girly films like 'love actually' & 'bridget jones' but NOTHING that makes me cry.I like scary films if I'm watching them with somebody and I love action films.


I don't watch much television, never have time.But I do like HEROES on a Wed nite lazing in bed with my baby.Diary of a Call Girl is good when I get chance to see it and recently Eastenders has picked up a bit but I never get to see it til the Dum Dum Dum at the end so piss my sis off askin her to explain wot happened all the time!!


I do read a lot of books and magazines anything that is well written and feeds my very over active imagination!


My hero is my dad! He has the most gravitational personality and an excellent business mind, he always thinks outside the box and comes up with the most random ideas.Should put my friends in this bit too, they are also my heroes. Especially Lucy. Haven't known each other long but without a doubt my most solid friend.... I love our chilled evenings and funny nights out! xxxLove all my family and friends and everyone that has made an impact (in a good way) on my life.