Chester Travis profile picture

Chester Travis

About Me

Hailing from Canterbury, New Zealand, Chester Travis does not conform to the local reference of a "one-eyed Cantabrian". Chester is without doubt a "two-eyed Cantabrian" with one eye firmly focused on his piano and the other fixated on his guitar.
With a reputation for melodies and lyrics and on occasion the two together, Travis shares a life full of experience.
Chester first learnt about notes and quavers and stuff on the piano, learning from the age of seven. Guitar, however, came later and with much more struggle, though not musically. At twelve years old Chester begged his parents for a guitar. Unfortunately, one year earlier Chester had also begged, pleaded, haggled and bargained for a unicycle, every child’s dream. Young Travis got what he had cried so loud for...and never used it. The unicycle left without even another wheel to keep it company.
So when Chester went through the same ordeal a year on, Mum and Dad were suitably skeptical. But obviously Chester received his wish of a guitar which he promptly started teaching to himself. When he was about 13 or 14 Chester trasped through Europe with his family. While they were living on a barge - on a french canal, in a tiny tiny French town called Le Someil - the lack of Buxom French, and also not hairy ladies under 70, thrust Chester into a realm of immense boredom and frustration. This frustration and boredom would cause him to ride off into vineyards day after day on a wee French bicycle with a guitar on his back, where he taught himself to write original material.
A 'Kiwi' with strong international influences, Chester's work has to date culminated in the critically acclaimed EP, "7", released in May 2007. Real Groove magazine called it "a portent of greatness" while the Christchurch Press dubbed the release as "a slice of pan baked heaven".
And Chester's mum almost fainted with pride.
Much of the material is now back in the oven, preparing for a full length debut album which will, no doubt, confirm the suspicions of fans and critics alike that Chester's musical stamp will make a huge mark on the international stage. "7" EP available now.
Live from Acoustic Footprint February 2008
Cheap Shot
A small animation I made a couple of years back.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/4/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Chester Travis:



Piano EP2006

Guitar EP2005


An Evening With Paul And Chester2007
Influences: Music:
Chester Travis
Andrew Bird
Bic Runga
Flight of the Conchords
Bon Iver
Bright Eyes
Charlie Parker
David Bowie
Cat Stevens
Death Cab
Don McClean
Elliot Smith
The Finn Brothers
Iron and Wine
Nick Drake
Ben Folds
Damien Rice
David Gray
Bob Dylan
Crowded House
The Shins
John Mayer
Paul Simon
Ryan Adams
Jose Gonzales
Lisa Germano
Ane Brun
The Beatles
Anna Ternheim
Sufjan Stevens
Dudley Benson
Colin Hay
Dresden Dolls
Neil Young
Sigur Ros

Fight Club
Shawshank Redemption
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Princess Bride Eternal Sunshine For The Spotless Mind

Summer Heights High
The Office
Arrested Development

Chris Lilley
Stephen Merchant
Ricky Gervais
Leonard Cohen
Ellen Duval
Paul and Arron
George Saunders
Alain deBotton

Ultimate Hero:
Rupert Travis
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


What the fuck? Silicone, right?Bizarre.Ok, so. I'm a little drunk. But just talking with some friends. Silicone. It must be the most versatile property. WHAT a substance. I mean, it simultaneously com...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:39:00 GMT

Jeremy - Chapter 2

A few months ago I posted a blog with the first chapter of this short story I'm writing called Jeremy. Here's the second chapter. The third shouldn't be far behind! TWO. The Mercury factory ...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:37:00 GMT

Don’t Be A Shit Kid (and other things).

Oh hello, didn't see you there.Feels like a long long time since I gave you all any sort of update on what I'm up to. There's a certain (absolute) vanity in assuming anyone would really care. There re...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 03:05:00 GMT

Apology to Poppy/Harvey whoever you are.

Yesterday I was sent the link to the most fascinating blog I've ever witnessed. It is entitled 'I hate Chester Travis', and it reads like this;i hate chester travis.i hate his facei hate his hairi hat...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 04:37:00 GMT

Jeremy (Part 1)

Hi everyone! This is just the first part of a short story I'm writing called Jeremy. Just thought I'd share the progress. I'd love any feedback etc etc. I also love you all.Jeremy had found success. H...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 18:57:00 GMT

Riot! Riot! (or More about the Underground)

I was part of an enormous riot in the tube last night. Not that I'm saying that makes me any more masculine than before. Ok ok, that's exactly what I'm saying, guilty.But honestly, it was AMAZING. Las...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:00:00 GMT

The Underground.

Why must I fall in love on every carriage of every journey on every tube line? Everyday? Am I that pathetic? Am I really that devoid of decency and self worth?Oh, and the way I so often meekly bundle ...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 05:40:00 GMT

One for the ladies.

Well as promised, here are my flat mates Arron and Paul in all their spectacular glory. If I gather enough requests I do happen to have some stunning shots of Paul outstretched in only his satin novel...
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:23:00 GMT

The second big move.

I have a home.Well. If you can call it that. It's a one room squalor of depravity.That's right. It's an incessant never ending sleep over with my two friends Paul and Arron. Three beds, one space, wit...
Posted by on Sat, 24 May 2008 09:30:00 GMT

Ane Brun is queen of the world.

Wow, So I've totally been in London like a month and still don't have a job. It's not my fault though, you see. London is very very distracting. This is something STA failed to inform me. They talked...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:27:00 GMT