Desdemone Bardin. Photographer (RIP 2001)"Jazz Zoom, Carryin' It On" By Desdemone Bardin
(pub. DVC press/2good Dist./A&B Books 2004)This amazing collection of exclusive, never released photos and interviews covering the Jazz Spectrum from the 60’s to the present was released internationally on October 5th, 2004!!!
This publication will give you an insight into Jazz music in the 1990's with a focus on some musicians rarely interviewed and often forgotten.With interviews and photos of such legendary musicians as Randy Weston, Archie Shepp, Sun Ra, Abbey Lincoln, Rashied Ali, Lester Bowie, David Murray, Regina Carter, Jackie McLean and other “sidemenâ€, Jazz Zoom will introduce you and bring the light to a musical “milieu†rarely covered in the press as well as present the lighter side of these artists.
Desdemone Bardin wanted to let musicians express themselves as she did in her previous publication of “Freestyleâ€, (Massot/Millet France 1993) where she let the Hip-Hop world express themselves. She began this project in 1994 while living between New York and Paris
This book was released in France and in the US in 2004
2 Good Distribution (France)
A&B Books (US)Desdemone Bardin Speaks: -------------
ENGLISH VERSION: Here’s where I’m coming from. Back in the days while listening to the radio in Paris, I heard a song that really blew my mind - it was Bessie Smith. I was 12 years old, still there was no doubt in my mind: “This was My music!†Bewitched, addicted, call it what you like, I was hooked and became a fervent Jazz agitproptiste, doing battle for the cause at every opportunity.
We’d be in the clubs of St. Germain des Pres, or elsewhere, dancing like crazy...breaking out, rebels without a pause...reaching for higher ground. For us, the music said it all, BODY AND SOUL.
So I say, “Carry it on!†Just recently, I heard someone in New York say, “Jazz is dead!†I told him, “Bullshit! This music is an idiom unto itself. It has unstoppable strength, boundless creativity - the wild improvisations, the irresistible humor - and steadfast artists.†Get the facts! Read what they say in Jazz Zoom.----------- FRENCH VERSION: A Paris, à 12 ans, un jour à la radio, j’entend un chant qui me plonge dans une profonde émotion. C’était Bessie Smith, et je comprends alors: “Ca, c’est ma musique.†Ensorcelée, accro, comme vous voulez, j’ai continué à me passionner. A tout moment, je me suis battu avec acharnement pour le jazz. En bande, on allait dans les caves à Saint-Germain des Près, ou ailleurs. On dansait comme des fous…éclatement…fureur de vivre…énergie spirituelle… Cette musique nous parlait directement, entièrement…body and soul.
Aujourd’hui, je dis, “continuons le combatâ€, car dernièrement à New York, on me dit “Le jazz est mort.†J’ai repondu, “Arrête tes conneries!!! Cette musique est un idiome en soi, sa force est intarissable, sa créativité continue, ses impros délirantes, son humour irrésistible, et ses interprètes toujours présents.†Lisez leur propos, ils ont parlé ici dans Jazz Zoom.
-Desdémone Bardin
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