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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Jan 3 0f this year was the happiest day of my life my wife give birth to a beautiful baby boy he weighted 8lbs 2 ozs and was 20 inches long.he is my little man, I never knew you could love someone so much.He is my world.Update my son is 6 months old now (well tomm) he weights 15.8 lbs 26 inches long he is cutting a few teeth trying to crawl. he is sitting up by hisself He is the most imporant thing in my lifeDreams do come true in about a week I get to start living mine. I start training to be a pro wrestle. Think it's silly/dumb thats your right. I will not down you for it. everyone has a dream and if give the chance to live your take it it's not everyday you get to live your dream.. Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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Big O Titantron


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I meet her 8 years ago on feb 27 99 eight months later we were married she my everything my wife my lover and my bestfriend. She's the most wonder wife and mother She's everything I was looking for She completes meupdate my wife is a great mother i'm lucky to have found her

My Blog

Big O Titantron this is my enterance video for my character in the E fed PWSMAKS
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 18:49:00 GMT