Jan 3 0f this year was the happiest day of my life my wife give birth to a beautiful baby boy he weighted 8lbs 2 ozs and was 20 inches long.he is my little man, I never knew you could love someone so much.He is my world.Update my son is 6 months old now (well tomm) he weights 15.8 lbs 26 inches long he is cutting a few teeth trying to crawl. he is sitting up by hisself He is the most imporant thing in my lifeDreams do come true in about a week I get to start living mine. I start training to be a pro wrestle. Think it's silly/dumb thats your right. I will not down you for it.
everyone has a dream and if give the chance to live your take it it's not everyday you get to live your dream.. Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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