I love reading pocketbooks..., eating, malling, nightlife, watching a movie, i love going to beach... it unwinds me...:) hehehehehe..., i love listening to music esp. mix fm!! 'coz dey rock....:) And most esp. biking and playing badminton.
All... Except devil himself...
R&B, Hardcore, Slowrock, Alternative, Jazz and cool lovesongs...:)
Sweet Home Alabama, The lord of the rings 1-3., Serendipity, Princess Diaries, What a girl wants, Glass House, Gothika, Shrek and Tuck Everlasting..
Wazz up2x, Smallville, Dawson's Creek, Strangebrew, 7th heaven, American idol, Fear Factor, The Amazing Race and Ngiinig...
dc's hometown heroes.. sonny and joey., darna and astro boy..:)