Headset, Coke, Cellphones, MP3, Music, Books, Video Games, Computer Games, Piano, Violin, Guitar, Cars, Parties, Reality TV shows, Cartoons, Computers, Psychology Books, Magazines, Funny movies, Scary Movies, Sexy Movies, Sci Fi, Fantasy Movies, Babies ( making babies ) hahahahha....
I would like to meet Brittney Spears I wanna know and touch to check if her boobs are actualy real. :)
Sting, Jayz, Third Eye Blind, Arkarna, The Calling, Maroon5, Suede, U2, REM, Santana, aerosmith, 50 cent
Troy, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Kama Sutra, Bringing Down the House, Matrix, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Scary Movie,
everybody loves raymund, Survivor, Amazing Race, American Idol, Smallville, The Apprentice, Lost
catcher in the rye, Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5, LOTR, Elfstones of Shannara, Wishsong of shannara, Elf queen of shannara, Tanequil, Jarka Russ, Ilse Witch, It was on fire when I lay down on it, She has come undone, All i need to know i learned in kindergarten, first King of Shannara, Man in search for meaning, Tell me your dreams, Servant of the bones, Witching hour..... aahhhhh basta dagan kapoi ug huna huna
Spiderman nyahahahhahaha....