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I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
i'm a simpLe cHiq wh0 luvs t0 be witH hEr friEnds.. i luv t0 spEnd my day with thEm.. c0z i can be myseLf---- n0 pretenti0ns, n0 imitati0ns... hehe.. anyweiz, m0st pe0ple thinks thAt i'm tiMid, c0z that's whaT they sEe insiDe the cLasruM!!! but guEs what!?! they're juSt sEeing thE other siDe of ME... c0z thE othEr siDe of "irEne" is reaLly n0siy, weiRd and c-r-a-z-y!!! haha!! yaHhh i kn0w.. it's truE!!! ask my friEnds ab0ut mE... hahaha.. anD u'Ll kn0w a part of mE...
i am riLy amuSed by simplE thingS... i laugh evEn thEre's n0thing fUnNy!!! hahahaAhahahah!!!
n e weiZ, untiL n0w, i d0nt have any b0yfriEnd c0z i'm n0t all0wed t0 have onE.. my parents seD, unLess i fiNished c0LLege, n0 b0yfriEnds f0r me!! hahA.. s0rry guyS!!! but i've g0t maNy guy bEstfriEnds.. anD that's thE advantgE of being SINGLE!!! i cuD have as muCh guyfriEnds as i waNt, w/ n0 one being jealous about it... haHa!!!
n e weiz, aLl of my friEnds(b0th b0ys and girLs) are riLy preci0us t0 me... thEy are thE only one wh0 usuaLly undersTands me... c0z thEy kn0w what i'm g0ing thRu..
uHmm... i raN out oF w0rds... maybe neXt tyM... i'll makE my p0sts l0ngEr....