Member Since: 1/22/2007
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Influences:Now That's Gangster/OuttDaGutta is taking it to a higher level with it's new line of exclusive mp3 albums. Named "CDMP3" this credit card sized mp3 player can easily fit into your wallet, but thats not all. Each MP3 player comes with 1GB of flash memory. Included on player is your favorites artist album in MP3 format and album art thermal printed onto the player. Saved on to the flash drive you can find pictures,movies,interviews,mixtapes of your favorite artist. All player come with: USB CABLE, POWER ADAPTER, INSTALL DISC,OWNERS MANUAL. Be on the look out for these player around april. The first release is Da Tykoon. Keeps your eyes open for other artist release also.Buy merch from OuttDaGutta Multi-Media at
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Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie