"Whenever I wish to move or to speak, first I shall examine my state of mind and firmly act in a suitable way. Whenever my mind becomes attached or angry, I shall not react nor shall I speak; I shall remain mum and unmoved like a tree". I am currently being pulled to explore India at this time...My rational mind says no and comes up with all types of excuses not to go...I am going to follow my intuition on this one and think about it later when I return from Mother India.... I have hurt a lot of people along the way and for that I am truly sorry. For those who have hurt me, I am here to begin to forgive and to heal. I am here to say that I will continue to do right by me, my children, my friends, and whomever I shall meet in the future...I will practice the act of "less craving" so that I may have "less suffering"... Through years of introspection, meditation, therapy, deep contemplation and dance, I am beginning to know who I truly am and as to why I chose to ride the wave of life dangerously as a youngin...I am not the same individual I was a second ago....I have learned quite a bit in this life regarding relationships and how they in fact operate. Although I continue to be baffled as to how relationships do in fact operate in a healthy, intimate way....I will struggle until I can no longer endure my huge advancements backwards...Must press on... The small things are the most important as is the notion to act or give from my heart center in whatever I do.. Blessings to my teacher, Geshe Ngawang Singey and Baba Shiva Rudra balayogi.... First, I want to add that I am not a very serious person these days....To clarify, I am clinging less to the outcomes and giggling through the experiences... I am realizing that I am here on this earth plane to work through past karma as well as open my heart to the sun within everything...Thank you death meditation...I believe that one should acknowledge death each morning in order to allow the fear to enter and exit upon energy flow.......By no means is non-clinging an act of simply not caring, this would be false..I am actually in the process of not holding too tightly to outcomes, but letting the energy flow where it may.. I am learning the art of Buddhist attachment or lack there of as well as the emotion of suffering while on this planet... I have been plagued by my past karma and the relentless calling for me to become a Buddhist monk...I look forward to ordination someday, if that is where my path leads me to....Maybe for now all that I need is a Sangha and inner quiet.....Avid human, Meditator, currently researching and probing into the minds' ability to function amidst all of the traumatic influences that sorround it. Love to sing the Kirtan!!!
A shout out to all of the B-boys and B-girls around the world!!! Keep Dancing!!! All dancers-Keep dancing!!!!
I boogaloo and Break. My Old skool crew "Marvelous Break Force" stopped performing in 1985. I continue to pop and teach. I used to be left leaning politically, so far in fact, I may soon tip over. My wish now is to bridge together our similarities between political parties and come to some type of understanding. No more cliques, sides, political positions, us and them...No more....Teach love and tolerance... I wish everyone could, if only for a minute, sit in complete silence and greet the real you that radiates love.... You will find that nothing really compares to the essence of self. Everything external is fleeting.....But I love to eat snacks!!!! Chant the names of God!!!Remember, real true happiness cannot be shaken by circumstance.(I said that)LOve and blessings to Amma.. (The Mother)I remember really making fun and rolling my eyes as others would proclaim their love for baseball teams; especially the Red Sox. I see now that I was truly harboring a love for the sport. It is equal to a person being very hurtful and mean towards the gay lifestyle. If it is not truly a part of you then why are you getting so angry for?Alan Watts: Time
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H.H. The 17 th GyalwangRAAM NAVAMI. Celebrating Shri Raamas DESCENDING
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