LION. Leo born in the year of the tiger..
Think with a ruling class mentality & get wisdom.. Get rid of traditions of men, emotional dispositions, weaknesses, get strong.. get in reality.. stop the complacency. Everyone has a talent, show it, youths have a thirst for knowledge, research, learn, read, teach! Were in the last days. Stand up for what you know is right & TRUTH!!English decent & a direct descendant of Queen Victoria. My fathers lineage goes back to Scottish prisoners who migrated from New Zealand to Canada. Blessings to all the rastas out there and those down with the movement, selassie used to be my comforter before I learned the scriptures.. & everyone worldwide with a spiritual zeal..Special THANKS to the Rothschilds(redshields) & the Edomite International Banking Families, The Elites, this world, The daughter of BABYLON(AMERICA) IS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED, IT'S HIGH TIME FOR PEOPLE TO WAKE UP FROM SLEEP! THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE THIS 'AMERIKKKAN DREAM' IS TO BE ASLEEP!!(ZzzZzZz..)