Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
MY RESULT: Dream Girl
You've got it all -- affection, a cool head, a positive attitude, and all that other stuff that guys want their girlfriends to have.
You're light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy -- a great combination. When you start a relationship, there's a good chance the guy will totally fall for you, whether he intended to or not. Keep up the great attitude and you're sure to be a heartbreaker. (Please just try to be gentle.)
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What's Wrong With You?
MY RESULT: Too Attractive
Your extreme level of hotness is distracting and offensive to everyone.
Seriously. You’re so hot that it makes your friends vomit out of jealousy and strangers drool out of animal lust. Invest in some burlap sacks before everyone you know turns into drooling, vomity messes. Or maybe just invest in some mops.
And don’t forget to thank your mom and dad for making you so gorgeous. They did good.
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What's Your Addiction?
MY RESULT: Sleep Junkie
Congratulations on getting to the end of the quiz! Why don’t you go lie down for a while?
Need a little energy boost? Try some of these expert tips: do some exercise and stretches, eat some complex carbohydrates, or take a quick nap for no more than 20 minutes. Or just try flirting with some of the hotties on eSPINtheBottle. That’ll get your heart pumping. Right? (Sorry, shameless self promotion.)
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What Kind of Friend Are You?
MY RESULT: Ms. Independent
You love your friends, but they'll never replace the greatest friend a girl can have -- herself.
You're not one of those clingy, over-emotional types -- if you're feeling sad, you'd rather deal with it yourself instead of enlisting your friends' help. And as for their problems, well -- you'll help out where you can, but you're not in it for the long haul. You need friends who are just as independent as you are.
We've got the perfect friend in mind. She's there when you need her -- and she won't care a bit if you ditch her the rest of the time. She'll help you out with your problems and won't ask for anything in return. Only thing is, she's not really a person. She's a totally cool site designed just for girls like you. We know you'll love it. Check it out !
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Are You a Good Girl?
MY RESULT: Totally Rotten Girl
We hope you like lumps of coal, 'cause at this rate, you're never gonna get on Santa's good side.
Proud of being a rotten girl? Strut all you want, but you have no idea how hard it can be to have a bad reputation. Like, imagine scoring the hottest guy in school, and the next thing you know, there are lewd photos of you posted all around the school.
Sound enticing? You've got to check out this fall's hottest novel, Good Girls. It's all about a good girl whose reputation is in danger after she gets into some, uh, compromising situations with her hottie boyfriend.
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