Hardy profile picture


About Me

Hello boys and girls, the name's Hardy. Sarah Hardy.
(Call me Hardy because there are far too many Sarahs kicking around out there in the world today)
I am in recovery from a very broken leg/ankle, but now I can walk, so this is good, as it means I can return to going to all of my favourite noisy, dingey clubs (cockpit leeds yeaaah!) and dance like a pillock once more(sort of, I'm still in a large strange boot like object, but I can walk so it follows that I can dance, surely?). Good times my friends, good times!
Currently a Fine Art student at Leeds Uni, and I am having a marvellous time. I'm living in a party house full of creative characters (which takes it's toll on the sanity, I can tell you). I shall be living in France for the entirity of my third year, before returning to this amazingly good city and doing my final year - degree show, dissertation, and all that jazz.
I like to draw, and if you like to go and look at creative things, or want some drawings for most purposes (if I say any, someone will come up with something perverse, it's a given)
click the picture to attend my other myspace page (which needs sorting out because I've drawn a lot more recently).

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'll talk to anyone, it's a bad habit of mine.

My Blog

A relaxing afternoon with the over 70’s

I just noticed my last blog was about time with old people. Oh dear.   Well.As I have nothing better to do with my time at present, and people seem to be interested in how I am, I may as well tel...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 03:57:00 GMT

40s rave up. Mugs, frog chairs and slacks.

Tonight, an old mover in a flat cap taught me how to jive. The tale begins when last night i rang my nan to see if I could stay for the weekend. She responded with 'yes, and you can come to the 40's n...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 15:19:00 GMT

the part of wheels on the bus that no kid hears

the chavs on the bus go: chav: 'i'm wankered'chav: 'ere mate, just, jusm ,just uhh, unscrew this twenny note will yer, i can't do it i've, ive ****in', gottabeer an a ****in' fag huhuhuhuh'me, in jest...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 14:27:00 GMT