Get Code | Create Your Own!ITALIANOREVOX night nasce dall'esigenza di creare un punto di incontro tra i produttori legati all'etichetta REVOX, gli addetti ai lavori e artisti made in italyUn appuntamento mensile con le performance di alcuni tra i migliori artisti italiani e un sound di qualità che andrà dalla deep all' elettronica...questa è la formula di REVOX night!!REVOX night: FROM DEEP TO ELECTRO AND OVER.....PER INFORMAZIONI, COLLABORAZIONI E BOOKING: HOLLER MUSIC MANAGEMENT
[email protected] night is the official party of the italian label ReVOX.
This new project wants to be a meeting point between ReVOX and italian artists, creating a new concept which deeply reflect the italian style.
Every month ReVOX night will offer the performances of some of the best italian artists and a unique atomsphere...this is ReVOX night's main pattern!.
Every party is featured by a confluence of different sound styles which
range from deep to electro, representing at full ReVOX's label identity that has never been binded to a sole music style.REVOX night: FROM DEEP TO ELECTRO AND OVER.....FOR GENERAL ENQUIRES,ARTISTS BOOKING AND FOR GUEST REVOX NIGHT IN YOUR COUNTRY, PLEASE CONTACT: HOLLER MUSIC MANAGEMENT
[email protected]