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a project brought to life in April of2003. Anthony Armageddon Destroyer is the only permanent member (and creator of the band)and he works with a support of invited guests. Fascination with widely understood anti-music(industrial, noise, harsh) has had huge influence on countenance of the band – their work belongsto area of Death/Dark Industrial or, as the band calls it, Apocalyptic Death Industrial. Huge rangeof interferences, murmurs, dronings and overdrives combined with monotonous rhythms and spotsof sound is ideal reflection of modern world of advanced technology and, at the same time, falland approaching destruction of modern society. Inhuman, cold, filthy and evil- this is the bestcharacteristic of music created by this band.
The Unholy Place - 2004
Sanctified Destruction - 2004
Gloria Laus - 2006
Black Paper - 2007
Forsee The Shadows - 2004
In Other Words - 2004
Body And Steel - 2005
The Four Horsemen - 2005
Jama - 2006
The LastDestruction:
Black Paper - collage of traditional music formsand modern technology. It’s an album showing quickness of unstoppable changes caused byindustrialization, which entail irreversible alteration in almost every aspect of human life andpsyche. Breakdown of age-old culture and degradation of the society absorbed by the chase forillusive mirages of modern technology. Fragility of our world –view and weaknesses of habitualthinking, which goes down to illusory prosthesis’ of schemes and norms stored in our mind. Albumrecorded with guest appearance of Kenji Siratori, well known controversial cyberpunk writer. 50minutes of contemplation.