Keep On My Shoulder (aka KOMS) is a carriaggissima Sardinian hardcore band formed in 2006 when MauroBa, ex Braindead (RIP) and Pitfighter (RIP) guitarist met Matteo, niggaskater and big feriomane, and decided to play beatdown old school hardcore inspired by the NYHC. Tony Montana, ex Take the Time member (RIP) and well known porno actor, joined us few days later so we started to play some Madball and Agnostic Front cover, and some old Pitfighter tracks. Two months later Giascamo, ex Antimanifesto (RIP) voice and big imbriaggoni, joined the band and with this incredible team, formed by carriaggiu people that like tirapugni, catenazzi, tattoos, canottazzos, girls, pornotube, mazze da baseball in liquirizia and alcol ( don't forget the cigarettes!!!) we started to play a very very carriaggiu core ( carriaggiu is a sussincu word that means "marcio" o somethin' like that) with powerful stupastupa and giagiagiagia riffs, old school lyrics and a playful attitude with some tough guys commonplace like Gta heroes, nigga style, 50 cent, mi tatuo la scritta "MAFIA" in pancia, soggu lu piu grossu, mi familia es mi vida, ti crebbu etc etc... But simply we are agreeable hardcore kids that like to stay united together, having fun in the saletta, in the Pompieri square or playin' at the Aggabbachela club supported by our friends, our crew that's called SPH. Last but not least, we want to underline that we don't like stupid trends like emo, metalcore, spaghetti funk hardcore and all that shit.. we are strictly convicted that in hardcore only attitude and humility counts, so we prefer to support the old scene, hc oi! punk or hip hop it doesn't care!!! WE GO TATTARI STYLE!!!
WE LIKE: Tattoos, Catenaccios, Cappelinos, Canottazzos, Oviesse-NiggazStyle, Globo's pantaloni larghi a 14,90 euro, Saletta stravacchescion, Concerti Rage Yell+K.o.m.s. + special guest : "il gruppo di fuori che non conosce nessuno", girlsXgirlsXgirls, negreggiare tipo film di Spike Lee, Whisky, beer, Matt's Camel Light a ischroccu, Sossu's wine, Monstertits, Fruit of the loom, Finger pointing, Stage diving, Body surfing, Fist fucking, Dick sucking, i rapper negri ameriggani che fanno yoyomatafaccatispaccoilculo,
le sbronze-degrado ai pompieri, lo stile skinhead acch.. s.. troppu grossi e fanno sempre i cori ai concerti, il dragone di Tony, i colori giamaicani di MauroBa, il tribale di matteo, Giasca sbronzo, il circle pit, i cappellini con la visiera dritta un p.. storti con 10 bandane sotto, il cazzo di Evan Seinfeld, i pornazzi, le emo girls che sono bone, le nostre madri, i film horror, i film dove si negreggia, gli anni Ottanta, il video di youtube tamarro che sgamo e poi ti linko, i pomeriggi da Fabrizio a parlare di cicio e mangiare a buttaddura guardando Sky, msn, emule, tua mamma.
WE DONT'LIKE: i 5000 gruppi tutti uguali , falsi, ipocriti, le lingue lunghe, chi rovina la scena,chi tira calci e pugni nel pogo, chi non poga, i vegan per sport, la moda del momento
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