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I am here for Friends

About Me

Im 23 and from the Aldershot. I work for a telemarketing company as the Administration and Accounts Manager (boring!!!), dont really like my job but it pays the bills. I live with my boyfriend of 5 years, Damien and our mad staffie Marley (he is a cutie, check out the pic!). I love being able to drive as I think I was the last of my friends to learn. Love a few drinks every now and then down my local and enjoy nights out on the town (never Aldershot) when I can afford them (which isnt very often)! Oh, and I love all my girlies to bits, you all make me laugh all the time with your craziness (especially you Gem, Michaela, kim (to name a few)). I think Im the only serious one out of us but thats always been the way. Im way too moody sometimes, quite serious a lot of the time and very stubborn all of the time (as all of my friends will know) but I would do anything for anyone that knows me, I love all animals (except big spiders) and I cry when Im happy. I guess I have a soft centre really, bit like a Cadburys Caramel xx
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My Interests

I like reading loads of books, spending time with my boyfriend and the girlies. I like working hard in the gym. Watching Liverpool play and quite like going fishing when its not too cold (I love it when I catch a beautiful carp).

I'd like to meet:

Liverpool football Team (especially Steven Gerrard!!!), Stephen King (Im addicted to his books but I guess its better then being addicted to crack!) The Catwalk

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I like a bit of everything and anything. Anyone could find a song they like on my ipod!!


Kill Bill, Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, Shawshank Redemption, The Goonies, America History X, Full Metal Jacket and loads more. I like the occasional girly flick but prefer action!!


Watch some of the soaps when I have the time but not as often as I used to. Love watching real life crime stuff like FBI Files. I love a bit of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' in the mornings and ship wrecked on a Sunday afternoon.


Stephen King. I have read too many but my favourites were IT, Tommyknockers and The Dark Tower collection (read about 30 of his books last year). I have just read Dracula by Bram Stoker (the original, over 100 years old!) which was really good too. As you can tell I like thrillers but I also enjoy autobiographys, just finished George Best's which was a great read.


My Mum, all my friends who each have great qualities that I wish I had and my boyfriend Damien (he is the calm to my stressfulness!!). Oh, and Superman of course!!!

My Blog

Ibiza blues!!

I cant believe how depressed I have been since getting back from Ibiza. The time we spent there was way too short and getting back into the swing of normal life is proving to be really difficult. Not ...
Posted by Claire on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 02:20:00 PST