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About Me

Read my blog. It kind of describes me (hee hee). I love to swim every night in my pool. I keep it really hot, like a bath tub and love the hot tub after a good work out. I love water - I think it is one of my favorite things on earth. I love heat too. Speaking of heat...Thai food is my favorite type of food. I am a vegan and love animals. My dream is to own a farm in up country Maui. Cows, pigs, chickens, goats, lots of dogs and cats. Right now I live in the city and I have a rabbit. His name is Dolce. We also have 4 birds, two turtles and 3 toads. I miss havings rats. They are one of my favorite pets. They are so snugly and smart. I love that they come when you call them. They are so clean too (kind of OCD clean - it cracks me up). I am really strange and I love it! I love weird things, different things. I don't care what others think of me, only what I think of me. I have to be comfortable with me and I know I can't please everyone so I don't try :) I am happy and love life. I love adventure. I accept everyone. I hope to be able to share my expereinces in life with others in this world who have been severely hurt and my prayer is that I can help someone out there heal. I believe that everyone on this earth has been wounded (most - pretty bad). It makes me sad to see so many people so unhappy. I don't care about money or status I only care about helping people find the real person inside. The person that was born pure, free and innocent. The person that would be loving, caring and happy if it was not for the countless acts of cruelty that each human has to endure on this planet. It makes me ill to think of how much torture each little soul is beaten down with and how hardened we become. Jedi Squirrels



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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Sonics, The Fleshtones, The Cramps, The Inklings, Alan Ball, Joe Frank, and Sarah Silverman, Moby (ok, don't laugh :)TheConspiracyZone View my complete profile

jen in the tv show EMERGENCY!

ah the lil coma girl ~ don't worry..I make it :)

My Blog

my frustration with being human.

This is the time for fairytales to come true. For witches and gobblins and monsters. For angels and demons and all spritis to come flying out. Round and round  together, out in the open, co-mingl...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:41:00 GMT

yeah ok

~ "I BELIEVE THAT GOD TAKES MERCY ON THE SICK" I think anyone that kills themselves knows that they are going to heaven and needs to be in heaven. It is up to us HERE to fight the fight for them. If t...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 18:53:00 GMT

you have to have a subject?

why? insecure (that is...)you think you're any different than anyone else? Do you think that you are more fucked up than anyone else? I mean, I know you know everyone is fucked up :) and whatever it i...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 02:14:00 GMT

alkie rantings rip george carlin

well really the beginning of the conversation was me being all in love and all starry eyed and stupid. and then you broke up with me and i said you were brave and honorable and she said no hes just n...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:43:00 GMT


i know that so many more of you can do it - get out. out of the dark side and over to the light. to life. suicide on the installment plan i know it well. been there. boy all of this 'depression' post ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 21:45:00 GMT

just had to say it I see it so much just had to say it

i wonder why so many people are stuck. stuck in fear. just stuck. stuck in anger. stuck inpain and self mutilation? Slow , drawn out  suicide. Do they know this? I think so. I think it is deep, b...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 21:18:00 GMT

What the F

Seriously is this true??? I don't watch the news or read the news paper so I am always a little taken aback when I hear some of this stuff. Ok, so my mom tells me how shes afraid of spinach. Well, to ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:31:00 GMT

No Sleep

ok, when you're going off of little or no sleep is the best time to let your mind real. (well, i see it was suppose to be 'reel' but i left it b/c it is so me) goes it...I'm not one for...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:30:00 GMT