...doweevuh... profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Im a random, sarcastic & cocky person, but I can be serious when I need to be. I dont drink, demanding, easily distracted, lenient, stubborn & etc. I may appear to be brutally honest, but I expect likewise. I can be your best friend or your worst adversary. Words can never say enough about an individual, so never judge hastily. Others may find me a bit complicated, but yet Im very simple. "wHat ThEY SeE & sAy AbOUt Me DoEs NoT DeFiNe WhO i am iN ReALiTy. WhAT's PeRcEiVeD iS A MeRe SuRfAcE, WhAt'S SaiD iS MeRe OpiNiOn; FoR WhAt'S iNeViTabLe iS hIDdEN WitHiN ThE dEPtHs oF mY sOuL. OnLY i CaN teLL mY oWn AUtHeNtiCItY" People usually misunderstood me. Some are glad to see me, but mostly, they are so resentful They just cant appreciate me & my beauty. Of course everybody has different perceptions...

My Interests

piGgiNg oUt, GrEeN, bLaCk & WhItE, eXpResSioNs "SHIT", "NYEH" & "UHUH", hUgs & k!sSes, AbC FaMiLy!, FerrEro RocHer & CaDbUrRy, VaNitY, VicTor!as sEcRet, ClInIqUe & DioR, jR & meOw, CoKe FlOaT, FreDdiE PriNzE, BUbbA GumP!, pEn & pApEr, MaRvIn ThE mArTiAn, PowEr puFF giRls & BoO, tAgAyTaY EscApAde!, fLipFlops (havaianas!!!), BeAcHes, sHawArmA!, tEes, Lipt!nt, MilkshaKes & CoFfEe, aaachOOOs & bUrrRrrps, sKirtS & CapRi, tiCkl!sh stRokEs & bOdy laNg...

I'd like to meet:



RnB, OpM, AcCoUsTiC and bossa.......!!!!!!!!


what dreams may come.happy feet.the devil wears prada.scary movie 1-4.lady in the water.harry potter movies.the longest yard.four brothers.the little man.just like heaven.pride and prejudice.in her shoes.the notebook.the village.eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.the lakehouse.if only.....


NEXT!!!.the X effect.the hills.newport harbor.cartoons...hehehe...blech! =p


anytn by pablo neruda.the five people you meet in heaven by mitch albom.the notebook.pride and prejudice by jane austen.bob ong books.my ol time fave--chem and ft books.*wink*....=p

