Aeaeae profile picture


About Me

Aeaeae was formed in 2005 under the name of "Fine Dining", a comedy rock band. The music, direction, and name of the band were soon changed, becoming a group that tried to make real music, re-christened Five-Strong at the Gates of Romulus. Soon renamed Aeaeae, because Five Strong was a ridiculous name. Broken up in 2007.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/01/2007
Band Members: Mitchell Henkin - vox. synth. percussives.

Tymon Brown - vox. guitar. keys. sounds.

Danny Wetzstein - guitar.

Bryan Flynn - the beats.

Marcus Wetzstein - bass.

Arian Mizani - drummings.


Eric Selle - drummings.

Jackie Kenedy - vox. guitar. drums.

Zach Musiol - bass.

Joletta Hardman - vox. guitar. keys.

Shori Matsumoto - guitar. vox. keys. sounds.
Influences: Oatmeal
Sounds Like:

Record Label: the generosity of strangers and friends

My Blog

Again, things are changing like crazy.

So Aeaeae was a semi-succesful side-project. It's kind of dying. Yes. Sad, I guess.Mitchell and Tymon are still going to be doing music together, along with two new friends that are quite talented... ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 19:08:00 GMT

It Is All A Matter of Progress

So yeah, it doesn't sound that great right now, but hey, it's getting there. We're recording with different techniques allatimes, and our stuff will be more solid pretty soon. We have a number of very...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:35:00 GMT