Things I Like:
.Purple. .Black. .Iced Coffee. .Animals. .Family. .Friends. .Music. .Books. .Writing. .Summer. .Autumn. .Singing. .The sound of violins. .Old irish music. .Sandals. .Peanut butter. .Antique photos. .Ancient egyptian culture. .Baby feet. .Chokers. .Big rings. .Steelers. .Miller light. .Kaluha & Cream. .Candles. .Open windows. .Lilies. .Happy People. .Wolves. .Eye liner. .Smell of freshly mowed grass. .Color of people's eyes (no one's is exactly the same). .Milk. .Pringles. .Camp fires. .Scary stories. .Capuccino. .Thunderstorms. .Jeans. .Bracelets. .Robert Frost poems. .Being a fairly sane, responsible person in this world of insane users. .Figuring out the little bizarre quirks that make people tick...those are the things that make peole individual. Everybody's got little things that make them unique. Some of you have more than others...... :-). .Diner breakfast at 4 in the morning!. .Making a drunk breakfast for everyone at Steve's house at 4 in the morning!. .Turtles. .THE MCNUGGETS RAP--mcnuggets mcnuggets what!?. .Cooking. .Baking. .The fact that I can cook and bake well (at least i'm good at something). .Goody's headache's a life saver!.
Things I Don't Like:
.Pink. .Yellow. .The sound of a fork on a plate. .Dishonesty. .People who can't stop to enjoy life once in awhile. .My bizarre fear of the mothman. .Bridges. .Country music. .Those weird stars people put on their houses. .People who feel they need to draw attention to the fact that they are different (black, white, gay, straight...we get it people). .People who think they are owed something because they are a minority (everyone's a minority somewhere). .Locked doors. .Skiing. .Spiders. .Big bodies of water. .My fear of drowning. .Grasshoppers. .Crickets. .Locust. .Ok, critters of all kinds. .People bugging me while i'm cooking. .Doing dishes. .Sidewalk chalk. ."Loose socks". .FLEAS. .Girls who feel the need to "politely" put others down just to build up their own non-existent self-confidence...that's so loserish. .Crappy looking snow. .Back Stabbers. .Waking up the next morning after a diner breakfast at 4 in the morning!. .Band load up. .Band load in. .Band load out. .Band load back in. .Band loading just sucks...we need roadies!.