Hey i'm kevin. i listen to music. i work a lot. my friends come first. i go to shows. i dont like haircuts. i dont drink or smoke. i dont care if you do though. i like football a lot. i suck at fantasy football though. i live at home because apartments cost a lot of money. i drive a ferrari, i dont know if youve heard of the model, its called volkswagen jetta. very nice...
This is what some personality test thinks of me: messy, outgoing, open, self revealing, ambivalent about chaos, unpredictable, not good at saving money, social, likes large parties, likes to stand out, risk taker, quick to make friends, does not like to be alone, rash, fame seeking, sarcastic, craves attention, social chameleon, low self control, food lover, not rule conscious, weird, assertive, not a perfectionist, anti-authority, thrill seeker, vain, likes to fit in, reckless, emotionally sensitive, leisurely, trusting