*BALLiN* (adj.) [*[ THE ACT 0F BEiNG FLY]*] profile picture

*BALLiN* (adj.) [*[ THE ACT 0F BEiNG FLY]*]

**ExCUsE Mee BiiTcH? ii Am ThA $hiT! ii Kn0 Ya HeRD.. S0 $pR3Ad tHa WoRD**

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MySpace Comments Graphicsim in love with the sweetest guy in tha world. we have that unbreakable love that no one can get in tha way of. even tho we get frustrated sumtimes, i couldnt imagine any other person i wud wanna be with. ive been in the worst relationships and i thought i jus had bad luck wit guys, but on 11.27.05 this prince charming turned my whole life around. i dont wanna get too mushy about this but i want him and everyone who reads this to kno that ive found my soulmate, and it is true wat they say about LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. always and forever babie,*i Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


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A to Z Survey
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A - Available N0P3, iiM TaK3N By Ju$ BLAZ3 *11.27.05*
B - Best Friend JaY DuBb
C - Crush U CaNT TeLL By NOW?!?
D - Dad's Name u TeLL mE! i DuNNo ThAt NiGGa
E - Easiest Person To Talk To My Boo
F - Favorite Band BaNd? NiGGa iM BLacK, We DoNt Do Tho$e
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms WoRmZ r Tha $HiT!!
H - Hometown iiM Fr0M N3W YORK!!!!!!
I - Instrument my VoiC3
K - Kids 3 HoPeFuLLy, WaT u ThiNK JaY?
L - Longest Car Ride NY-- JaCkSOnViLLe, FLoriDA
M - Milk Flavor ChOcoLAtE LikE MEE!!!
N - Number Of Siblings BroThErZ FrOm OtHa MoTheRz, SiSTa fRoM An0TheR MiStA
O - One Wish 2 Be WiT mY BaBi3 4eVa.......
Q - Favorite Quote .."$h00T 4 ThA STaRz, iiF u Mi$$ u..'LL ReacH ThA H3AVENZ.."
R - Reason To Smile *11.27.05*
S - Song You Last Heard WaLK iiT 0uT
T - Time You Woke Up Too DaMn EaRLy
U - Unknown Fact About Me U ThiNK iMa TeLL u???
V - Vegetable No ThAnKz
W - Worst Habits RuBBiNG mY NoSe (Sry Jay)
X - X-Rays You've Had iVe HaD a FeW iN My DaY
Y - Your Favorite Food SPANISH FOOD!!! uMMMM uMMM GooD
Z - Zodiac Sign LiBRA BaB!3 HoLLA!!! OcT0BeR 6 BiTcH!!!
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