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Myspace For Girls Only -
I came down here to tell you,
It rains in Heaven all day long.
I want to find you so bad,
And let you know I'm miserable up here without you.
Myspace Layouts
.x.I work in a bookshop :D.x.
.x.Best friends are:.x.
.x.I'm in Love.x.
.x.My Knight in shinning armour: Marc.x.
.x.I love McChicken Nuggets when I've been drinking.x.
.x.I love JD and coke or Blue WKD.x.
.x.Myspace should be banned.x.
.x.I like the sun but like winter more.x.
.x.I like 34 Revenge Street.x.
.x.The little town we live in is too small, but i like it.x.
.x.I like sleeping in his bed.x.
.x.I like that music that screams.x.
.x.He's probably the greatest person to walk this earth .x.
.x.I straighten my hair to aid my attractiveness lol.x.
.x.I'm not a zombie scene kid, yuck!.x.
.x.I swear too much?.x.
.x.I like going to the Ag and getting shitfucked.x.
.x.I like being one of the gang.x.
.x.I love text messages with soppy stuff in.x.
.x.I like the colour black, but I'm not a goth.x.
.x.I don't like brussel sprouts, yuck!.x.
.x.I have two smelly dogs, one's smellier then the other.x.
.x.I loose interest in everything way to quickly.x.
.x.But not him, almost a year.x.
.x.People think i'm sad when I'm not.x.
.x.My face falls that way.x.
.x.I spend all my time with him.x.
.x.And I talk about him way to much.x.
.x.I dropped out of uni.x.
.x.My best friend is currently in Winchester.x.
.x.I miss her.x.
.x.But she's home at Christmas.x.
M y S p a c e u s e r s,
I do not wish to add your band/
production company/clothes line if
i am not a) interested b) a listner
to that music genre or c) scene.
I don't wish to become another number
in this world and I couldn't care less
what indie/emo/ska/death black metal
band are playing at your next gig.
Scene kids that don't know me, don't
add me, I don't wish to make you a
number in my friends list and would
appreciate it if I did not become a
number in yours. MySpace is just
another internet forum, and not
reality. No, the number of friends
you have does not reflect that you
are attractive/well liked/interesting,
it reflects that you can either take
fat and uglyness hidying angled
pictures or you're hair is well back
combed and like all the other zombie
scene kids you are friend number 93799374,
they won't comment you becuase you are
just that number. Now bands, don't add
me, I don't like your music. If I want
to add a band I'll add them myself. I
don't plug my myspace on your band
page so don't plug it on mine.
T h a n k s ,
L i a n n e