TifFANy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

aLways got nuttiN' much tah say... iM very verY shy... weLL.. most of the time... okAy... aLL the tyMe... a lil' naughty.. i caN b a reeaL 13itCh too.. haha onlY to my famILy.. booboo.. n' biG faT haters... BLAh blah blaH...:) if ya reaLLy want know me.. jusT ask.. duNt just Look n' staY quiet.. makes me feEL like i have a boOger on mY face or sumthin'... btw ...Ua sI Teo Chew nANg... ;) ...Leu sI mi teo Chui nANg?...meeT tha fam...Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

~I luV ChoColaTEs... "DaRk" choColatES... kiTKAt.. ReeSespiEces.. twiX.. sNickers.. buTTerFinGEr.. ooHh n' goDiva.. yuM! ChocolaTes maKEs me ooh so veRy haPPy =P ......................................

I'd like to meet:

yOu...n' aLL me oL buddIEs!TeLL me whAts ur FanTasY...


~ English ~ ViEt n' ChiNese ~ TEo ChIU!! HoLLa at me if yA knoW 1~ ~sOME sPANisH ONEs ~SaLSa-- sUaVe!! ~OLD SKooL, HiPPidy HOp, R n' BlueS, SlowJAms..not tOo sLow n' LoNg....~OPeRA: OnLy EnGlish.. "PhaNtom of THe OPEra".. ~Classicals~ oNly when i'm tIreD of the rest of the muSic n' toTaLLy StreSsed ~RiGht nOw: ne thin' that makes me MoVE!! ahH mE so hOrNy.. me LuV u LonG TiMe!


~ neVEr DAted~ wiLL u taKe me oUt 2 the moVies???~preTty prettY woMan!!!~she can be preTTy tuFf...~VeRy smArt n' preTTy serIOus...~whaT pRetty smiLEs!!!


~Seen iT aLL, can onLy watCh n' FantaSize... neVer touChed


~uR in mY Lil' BLacK BoOk ... ~CHroniCLez
What Your Underwear Says About You
You enjoy wearing nice underwear, even if it comes at a hefty price tag.

You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty. The Underwear Oracle


~ mR. V

My Blog

you want to know the truth???

If something were to happen to me, my brother, sister, relatives in VietNAm, &/or especially my mom.. you know who to blame... We are tired of the verbal abuse.. We can not tolerate any more lies!...
Posted by TifFANy on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 12:33:00 PST


Congrats 2 Kirt ly & christiNE... & can't forget Julie TrinH & DAviD on thier weddiNG days!!! i jusS luV famiLY weddINs!! noW just waiTIn' to have more NIeces & nepHEws! :) BiG coNgrat...
Posted by TifFANy on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 08:25:00 PST

woULD yoU... =P

  1. Would you fuck me? 2. What positions would u fuck me in? 3. Would u eat me out? 4. Would u fuck me hard? 5. Would u fuck me the first night u met me? 6. Would u fuck me in the showe...
Posted by TifFANy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST