{Insert Clever Name Here} profile picture

{Insert Clever Name Here}


About Me

Cigarettes and music, too much of the first and never enough of the latter. Everybody hates my favorite singer... And me repeating that infamous McNulty line.

My Interests

Music, Movies, Sitcoms,& Literature. And video games (3 of my favorites being Suikoden 2, Chrono Trigger, & Marvel Vs Capcom 2)

I'd like to meet:

Tim Kinsella, Kurt Vonnegut, & David Cross


Joan Of Arc (and other Tim Kinsella Bands), Milemarker (and their previous bands) The Elephant 6 Collective, The Mountain Goats, Fugazi, Black Eyes, Aesop Rock, Bob Dylan, Built To Spill, Atmosphere, Sage Francis, Drive Like Jehu, Karate (Geoff Farina in general), Beck, Beach Boys, Cannibal Ox, Elevator to Hell, Born Against, I Hate Myself, (Early) Promise Ring, Jawbreaker/Jets To Brazil, Tom Waits, Wilco/Uncle Tupelo, Braid, Crass, El-P, Neil Young, RJD2, The Clash, The Pixies, TV On The Radio, Sole, Dose One, Alias, Why?, cLOUDEAD, Ugly Casanova, Summer Set, did I mention Tim Kinsella yet? God the list could keep going forever and ever but if you've read all this so far I've wasted enough of your time...


Clerks, Melvin Goes To Dinner, High Fidelity, The Delicate Art Of The Rifle, & The City Of God, and last but certainly not least, Dunston Checks In


Arrested Development, Newsradio, Mr. Show, The Office (British Version), The Wire, & Home Movies (Adult Swim in general rules, but I'm kinda bored with Family Guy), Sports Night, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Growing Pains.


Any Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, Or Joseph Heller. I also advise reading The Burn Collector by Al Burian


The ones whose tales end in tragedy.

My Blog

Because I just cant explain...

... how much I love cLOUDDEAD here are the lyrics to my current profile songwhy?: edison, i've fixed my glasses like new! dose one: wishing coins well, off into the bad sleep well. why?: reaching to q...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:49:00 PST

Collected Collectives

This past Friday, Chris Boyette and I threw together our first radio show on a very short notice, so I didn't have time to tell a lot of people. We will be on WUAG every friday night from 11pm - 1 am...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Sun, 25 May 2008 01:38:00 PST

This is not poetry

Or is it...Today I was angry."Sunset is an all day process"Listening to cLOUDDEAD's self titled album,Listening to Why?'s Oaklandazulasylum.Sick of staring down mirrors,Like prove it asshole.Sick of s...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Fri, 02 May 2008 10:29:00 PST

My Punk Rock Rap

like Creative Recording And Sound Service,Pushing shit forward while holding back my nervousness,If music is the food of love let mine be The Feeding of 5000,And show you The Stations Of The Crass in ...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:24:00 PST

Poetic Justice

This is a testament to nothing,Luck’s got nothing to do with it,In the sense that luck’s got everything to do with it,Bad timing is the best time to be bested,And fate has nothing to do wi...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:45:00 PST

Static Made A Radio

It took two beats to sink in,But the melodies you wrote in me,As radiant as the radiators hiss,It’s dissonance that drives us to cacouphonous bliss,Read it in your silent film storied eyes,As th...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST


"You am big you isMumble stutter stumbleMutter. (Shapes onPaper, waves inSpace.) Can't careHow hoaky It is. This soundAlphabet. Intentions andEverything. And everything.O O Those finickyZ`infidels...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:38:00 PST

Oh Zelda, Where Art Thou?

Where the hell is my cat.  She's been missing since Tuesday and I'm losing it.  She's supposed to be sitting by the door, waiting for me to get home, meowing furiously as if to say, "Where h...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 01:58:00 PST

I was bored so you get my 50 favorite albums (currently)

Aesop Rock  Labor Days Atmosphere  God Loves Ugly Beach Boys  Pet Sounds Black Eyes  Cough Braid Age Of Octeen Built To Spill  Perfect From Now On Camper Van Beethoven  Key Lime Pie Cannibal Ox...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:27:00 PST

My favorite quote in any comic ever...

"Sometimes...You can cry until there is nothing wet in you.You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures.You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen.And still...
Posted by {Insert Clever Name Here} on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:53:00 PST