I am not your average stereotyical Minister. In fact, I would say nothing about me fits anyone’s pre-conceptions. I have been involved in this calling for over ten years and became formally ordained as a Christian Minister just over 4 years ago. I am working on building a church in my area.
I really enjoy doing weddings! I have performed numerous weddings in the Washington and Oregon area. I am happy to work with you on your vows to make it your special day, one you will remember always. In addition to the service, I will have your license registered at the Hall of Records for you and returned by mail. For the service alone I ask $125.00 In the local Portland/Vancouver area there is no mileage asked or expected. For the service and rehearsal I ask $175.00 Per-Marital counseling is offered in three one hour sessions for $75.00.
Counseling:I do counseling and advocacy for abused and battered women, and those in troubled relationship with themselves or children at risk due to violence, alcohol or drugs. I am seeking to provide outreach, assistance, legal aid and if need be, relocation and counseling to help bring stability and blance to their lives. Please drop me an email if I can help.
Concerns: I am deeply concerned about the so-called religious right, as they are neither. Please bear in mind I do not lump all Evangelicals or other sincere believers into this category. I mean those who mis-use the Bible and the religious energies of the congregation for political gain, personal agendas or lining their pockets. There is quite enough divisiveness and hate out there. If you want to act like Jihadists, you are following the wrong Book. Help your neighborhood women and children-- not a PAC.