.Glitter.Bomb. profile picture


Hey there girls,....Im a Cunt!

About Me


Hey there girls
...Im a Cunt.
I Eat, Drink, Sleep and Live Art....
or so id like to think.
I want to get on the Friday night project!
I lost my head, when i found my heart.
But now with neither ive fallen all apart...
I am taking a year out.
"I know it's hard. But stick at it."- Marta [Bleeding Through]
I go college again cus i couldn't find a job.
MediaStudies&Music.....@ st austell college. HA!
aint too bad...i guess.
Cornwall is a shit hole, and it's no way to get noticed for doing anything. But the view is nice.
I love kids with braces. i think they are so cute!
I think pastys smell like B.O...yuk!
Disney Land Florida 04' was my favourite holiday.
I like when people notice the 'Little Things' about me.
& not how little i am.
I have R.L.S.
I was told my humour is dry... like a fine gin.
I talk to much.
I fold my crisp packets into triangles.
My desk is MESS.
secrets & letters are my favourite.
maybe you found one of mine???
I tell stories... too much.
& i act them out and put on accents. its a curse.
My sneezes are uber loud.
I like to make things for people.
I want to drive.
I wear glasses...sometimes.
I dont make good first impressions.
I read comics.
I still have my shiney pokemon cards.
ive been drawing my tattoo design for 3 years! x_x
My hair color changes pretty much every month.
I have TOO many pairs of shoes.


Name: Angela.
Age: 19.
Location: Home.
Status: Dead X_X.
Occupation: Invisible.
Starsign: Leo.


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Guess What...

Weird Hair.
PB&J sandwiches.
Band .
Clashing Clothes.
Tight Jeans.
Platfrom Shoes.
Art Kid.
Lenore & JTHM.
Hugo Deep Red.
Tank Girl.
Nail Polish.
Fake Fur.
Marshmellow Cakes.
Ice Cream.
Guitar Hero.
Nintendo DS.
Final Fantasy.
April Showers.
Autumn leaves.
Mix Cds.
Pig Chocolate.
Laying on grass.


MSI - Bristol 14 days.

To Do List.

1.Get a Car.
2. Finish college.
3.Get a job.
4. Download 07.
5. Get Piercings.
6.Finish Tattoo design.
7. trust people & be prepared to have heart broken
8.Get a serious band & Play gigs.
9.Get Nintendo DS.
10. change hair style.
11.Paint myself entirely one color.
12. Get matching tunnels.
13. Make more of my own clothes.
14. Lose weight.
15. Pass Theory. & Pass Practical
16.Make more friends.
17. Go to more partys.
18.go surfing.
19.Finish Mikes Painting.
20. Give Blood.
21. New Phone.
22.Play Kingdom Hearts.
23. Complete Mario Bros.
24. Eat a Rustlers burger.
25. Eat a bigmac. *tasted*
26.Save to go New York&Canada.
27.Learn Thriller Dance.
28. Give it a Name 07
29.Parent Trap handshake.
30.Send a secret to postsecret.


&Skinny for being there to talk to at all hours :]



My Blog

.001.(image heavy)

So when my profile got deleted. so did my blogs =[that sucks cus they were full of memories.and fun times.But also of thoughts and dreams.....So i am going to make one now.. so i can look back again o...
Posted by .Glitter.Bomb. on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 04:20:00 PST