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About Me

“All these beefy Caucasians with guns! Get enough of them together, looking for the America they always believed they’d grow up in, and they glom together like overcooked rice, from integral, starchy little units. With their power tools, portable generators, weapons, four-wheel-drive vehicles, and personal computers, they are like beavers hyped up on crystal meth, manic engineers without a blueprint, chewing through the wilderness, building things and abandoning them, altering the flow of mighty rivers and then moving on because the place ain’t what it used to be. The byproduct of the lifestyle is polluted rivers, greenhouse effect, spouse abuse, televangelists, and serial killers. But as long as you have that four-wheel-drive vehicle and can keep driving north, you can sustain it, keep moving just quickly enough to stay one step ahead of your own waste stream.” Quote from: ‘SNOW CRASH’ by Neal Stephenson
True Pain:Slow like wrinkling plastic The walls shrink In lost words to think. Quiet night air.There are no reasons To find heaven? That cloud to float… where the callus of the soul never thickens.angels without wings devils in unlocked cages A song on the lips of everyone In joy and mercy Because of sheer madnessI’m just guessing, If truly happy We’d be insane.Misery keeps us level Able to embrace the drudging nudge of birth.Horrors and sorrowsenrich the seasoning While weakening the meat.
Noise: cosmic background order and chaos randomly unified as abstract gestures and occurrences formed as inter-dependent opposites webbed together within the T.V. screen.
copy to paste:life in a basket life in a waste slow pasteurized booze wets the throat like cow's blood.know what to drink and how happy to think it feels to be at a distilled moment......waiting for the storm that might never come home.happiness in karmatic romance of forgotten lovers and infidelity subtle fragilitya broken glass shattered glance a coffee cup touched by a hammer's romancein the trash we all remain as broken pieces left to be tossed awayas yesterdays...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Stolen Art

This painting was lost or stolen september 26th from the Atlantis Show @ Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle, MN. If anyone has any information please contact Anonymously: [email protected] value $500
Posted by on Tue, 29 Sep 2009 10:45:00 GMT

My Secret Love Affair

 ....  .... My Secret Love Affair:....  .... She was turned into a bird.... A brown bird with the rest of them.... All flying together.... I tried to save her.... Take her ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Jul 2009 10:04:00 GMT

myspace sucks

Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 12:42:00 GMT


My brain has gone emptyStolen All that gold That use to be my thoughts.Was it ever really there?
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 06:54:00 GMT

website revamp: Real life is out there. between train carts glowing in still night, the hollow neon gleaming, Dead factories, the quiet, Each day, so far away from the every day. Far away from this lu...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:17:00 GMT

give a listen call and tell us what you think: 206-350-7683
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 01:19:00 GMT

Fire consumes.

It burns energy from the source. Until there is nothing left but ash.A spider crawls along the floor moving its thin pale legs mechanically.It creeps closer to the fire. Orange light dances across it...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:29:00 GMT

a melancholy song

with such distanceand impossibilitymy tranquility shatters like a broken mirror...disappearing to the depth belowonce more where i’ve been beforeresiding within locked doorsclosed eyesa swollen ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:11:00 GMT

vacuum once in a while

the silent voice, eternal and within. the blood ofthe rich that won't ever stain these hotel carpets.
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 21:25:00 GMT