Futbol (Soccer), Sports, Movies, Dining, Rollerblading, Biking, Sporting Events, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Going Out, Downtown, Work, School, Graphic Design, Travel, Vacationing, Music, Guitar, Bars, Clubs, Live Music, this list could take a while...SUBARU vs LAMB !
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I'd like to meet anyone that I can have fun with. I like to go out, but not all the time. I enjoy going to the bar and clubs, but not all the time... I can have fun doing anything, so try me!Lake Chelan, WA. BIRTHDAY 2006
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Search for inLove Music everything from R&B to Metal...Favorite Well Known Artists: 2pac, Kanye West, Usher, Stone Temple Pilots, Weezer, Foo Fighters, Deftones, Blackalicious, J5, Incubus, Led Zeppelin, Beck, Ben Harper... there's more but that's enough.Favorite "Local" Bands: Something Underground (Boulder, CO) and The Cool Waters Band (Appleton, WI). Hopefully we can get at least one more year out of CWB!Favorite Drunk Music Moment:
Get this video and more at MySpace.comMore Padilla (Lonsdale Party)
Get this video and more at MySpace.comColin Hay (Men at Work) Playing at a Wedding ReceptionFrederic Yonnet
I have a lot of favorite movies because I really enjoy movies even though time doesn't really permit for them anymore... Favorites include: Bad Boys 1 and 2, Garden State, I Robot, Old School, Boondock Saints, Wedding Crashers, Seven, Snatch, Good Will Hunting, etc.Favorite Actors and Actresses: John Cusak, Jack Black, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Kate Beckinsale, Emmy Rossum, Milla Jovavich, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Robert DeNiro...
Once again, I don't get the chance to watch too much TV, but thank god for Tivo! I like to watch sports, sports center, My Name is Earl, Friends (when it was on), Scrubs, Family Guy, Simpsons.....THE SUMMIT PARK APARTMENTS REALITY TV SHOW QUIZ
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I don't read too many books anymore, still read, but mostly magazines. Good books that I've read recently: Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Bourne Trilogy, Love in the Time of Cholera, and I'm currently reading Son of Pendragon (kind of a Harry Potter type book, but it's not a kids book)
My mom (I love you and miss you so much) and family!
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Even I can't get 100%