J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ profile picture

J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~


About Me

About me... puh - there's a lot to say, I guess the easiest thing would be to ask me ;) Don't be afraid, I won't bite anyone :DWell, I love writing, smileys, laughing, music and especially Sunrise Ave and Bon Jovioh yes, and my blog - I love to write :D check out my latest one:D

My Interests

Cinema, Cinema, Cinema and movies, music, football, books, which are very long, oh yes, and cinema ;)

I'd like to meet:

Ang Lee, Peter Jackson, Clint Eastwood, Jesse Martin, Bon Jovi, Sunrise Avenue (- i met them now, but i don't mind, if i'd meet them again....)

I also wanna meet all those wonderful people again who I actually met at several concerts =)


Check out my videos... there you can see impressions of one of my most favourite bands... gues who ;) yeah, you're right, Sunrise Avenue :D

My all time fav is BON JOVI no one will ever take their place in my heart.....

This is a wonderful band called Grand Avenue, and we had lots of fun with them....

You wanna support them? Have a look on the Homepage of the OFFICIAL GRAND AVENUE INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT TEAM!


These are the films I saw in cinema so far:
About a boy // The Bourne Identity // Lord of the rings - The Fellowship of the ring // Lord of the rings - the two towers
L'auberge espagnol // Catch me if you can // Osama // Nowhere in Africa // Johnny English // Troy // Die Wutprobe // Bruce almighty // Nicht auflegen // Seabiscuit // Das Wunder von Bern
Erbsen auf halb 6 // Hidalgo // The day after tomorrow // Spiderman // Spiderman 2 // Shrek 2 // Pirates of the Caribbean // Der Untergang // Bourne Verschwörung // Bergkristall // Lord of the Rings - Return of the King // Alexander
Aviator // Sophie Scholl // Million Dollar Baby // Babynator // Kingdom of heavens // Mr&Mrs Smith // Charlie and the chocolat factory // Grenzverkehr // Die Legende des Zorro // Harry Potter 1,2,4 // King Kong
Jarhead // Walk the line // Casanova // Brokeback Mountain // Ice age 2 // The live of the others // Da Vinci Code // Das Haus am See // Ab durch die Hecke // The pirates of the Caribbean 2 // Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot // Das Parfum // Deutschland. Ein Sommermärchen // Mit Herz und Hand // The devil wears Prada // A good year // Casion Royale // Eragon
Nachts im Museum // Déjà vu // Borat // Blood Diamond // Schwere Jungs // Flags of our fathers // Little Miss Sunshine // An inconvenient truth // The Queen (OV) // Spiderman 3 // Babel // Pirates of the Caribbean 3 // Robert Altman's Last Radio Show // Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix // Beste Zeit // Das Bourne Ultimatum // Rattatouille // Lissi und der wilde Kaiser // Sicko // Der goldene Kompass // Keinohrhasen // Vorne ist verdammt weit weg
Keinohrhasen // P.S.Ich liebe dich // Märzmelodie // Sweeney Todd // 10 000 BC // Juno // Die Welle....
... to be continued endlessly


oh lala, no daily soaps, and I am proud of it!


Harry Potter of course, The lord of the Rings, and as authors I do like Jack Kerouac, Pearl S. Buck, Hohlbein, Jesse Martin, Diana Gabaldon (her Highlandsaga is awesome)....


Jesse Martin, Jack Kerouac, Bill Clinton

My Blog

Sympaticus an J(ch)ulia: fight or flight

Vegetatives Nervensystem in Aktion - genauer gesagt der Sympaticus  Aktivierung des Nebennierenmarks und Ausschüttung von Adrenalin. Erhöhung der Herzschlagfrequenz Hemmung unwichtiger Funktionen des...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Why do all good things come to an end?

Monday morning music’s gone  been in this place for far too long&Why do all good things come to an end?Einige Songs scheinen wie für mein Leben geschrieben  Soundtrack of my life  irgendwie. ...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:34:00 PST

Waiting in these crowded lines - for you Id wait a thousand miles ~ GRAND AVENUE @ Munich

Once again, a train. This time it’s Co, Franzi and me, J(ch)ulia, on our way to Munich. What are we going to do there? Guess ;) Jap, your damn right  meeting Anna and then going to another conc...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:41:00 PST

Not old - Just older

Ha, I survived my twentieth birthday: Moreover, there aren’t any serious changes: I didn’t get thousands of wrinkles over night, I stil got all my teeth, I still can think and my hands are...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:33:00 PST

Letter to myself

For sure I’d have things to do, but right now I just don’t have the energy and motivation to do anything. Presumably I’ll regret it later ;)... Have you ever thought about writing a ...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:03:00 PST

2 days  2 countries  3 bands = 1000s of emotions

4 years ago, in December I went to my first big concert ever: Sportfreunde Stiller at BigBox in Kempten. I was totally overwhelmed, and since this day, I went to lots of different concerts  and each ...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:14:00 PST

J(ch)ulia 15 Punkte

Heyho meine Lieben, Nur ganz kurz, schließlich gehts gleich wieder auf zum nächsten Konzertmarathon&. Ich werde wahrscheinlich nach Köln ziehen  ich habe endlich meinen Ausbildungsplatz zur Medienge...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

Sleepless Reflections

Dumdidum& maybe I shouldn't write this& once again, it's late at night and I can't sleep, because there are so many things spinning around in my head.You know the feeling? You can't rest, because some...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 04:44:00 PST

All good things come to an end ~ MeetnGreet mit Sunrise Ave / Big Brother / End of Touraktion

Monday morning  and where am I? Right, once again in the train  to Cologne, the fourth time within half a year. But not for "future-matters" like the other trips were, no this trip belonged to the c...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:14:00 PST

Well make it I swear - and I actually made it!!!

In Bavaria, pupils have to write a term paper of about 20-30 pages, and if you fail, you are not allowed to pass the Abitur. It's always been an obstacle to face, and the weeks since I arrived home fr...
Posted by J(ch)ulia alias kroepfli ~the girl with the signs~ on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:18:00 PST