I like studying the Bible, and thier original languages. Hanging out. feasts are good. reflecting--its a good thing. small stuff.
Jesus, Michael Jordan, Elvis, etc...
currently Journey and def leopards b/c i don't have a cd player in my car and those are the tapes that i recently bought from the good will... the almost, mae, the surrogate, ted leo, keaggy, kansas, five iron, damien rice, jars of clay, anberlin, emery, dustin kensrue, johnny cash, crowder, rush of fools, collective soul, the beatles, james taylor, leeland, need to breathe, pillar. actually, I would probablly listen to about anything that has a good sound and message.
superman, the gladiator, ninja turtles I II & sorta III, the ring, patch adams, the kingdom chums, The Illusionist
Malcome in the Middle, NBC News, Everybody Loves Raymond, Smallville, The Bill Cosby Show, Boy Meets World...
Bible, Raggamuffin Gospel, Velvet Elvis, Sex God, blue like jazz, ancient christian commentary series. also informative books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and other things w/ pictures.