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I am here for Friends

About Me

A dollar bill fell out of my pocket the other day and found its way into the hands of a homeless man. Upon his discovery of the dollar bill the man decided to try his luck at winning the lottery so he purchased a scratch off ticket with the dollar. The man scratched the ticket with much excitement and to everyone’s surprise won fifty dollars at which point he entered into a no-limit texas hold em’ tournament. Mastering the skill of bluffing, and taking into account the advice of Kenny Rogers, the homeless man took his fifty dollars and turned it into a thousand dollars that he used to buy a suit and stay a few nights at a well known hotel chain. After cleaning up, the man went to an interview where he was hired on the spot to manage the very hotel chain that he had stayed the night before. This is all a lie that I just made up, but I guess the moral of the story is to play the lottery more or something like that.

My Interests

Writing, playing, recording, and listening to music. You should check out the project that Nate Elliott and I are working on at Besides music I also like to go to lakes where there just so happens to be some nice flat rocks. I then pick up the nice flat rocks and skip them wonderfully accross the glassy water. There are many more things that I am interested in but I don't really feel like thinking of them all right now.

I'd like to meet:

Bob Dylan, Beck, Jeff Tweedy, and Donald Miller.


Wilco, Bright Eyes, M. Ward, Elliott Smith, Dylan, Beck, Arcade Fire, Damien Rice, Andrew Bird, Jeff Tweedy, The Beatles, John Coltrane, Dave Brubeck, The Red House Painters, Mark Kozelek, Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens, Sigur Ros, and Damien Jurado.


Good Will Hunting, Walk the Line, Braveheart, Sideways, Rounders, The United States of Leland, Winter Passing, and V For Vendetta.


The Office and The Shield.


Blue Like Jazz, Angels and Demons, Sideways, A Painted House, Through Painted Deserts, Catcher in the Rye, The Great Divorce, Velvet Elvis, Elenor Rigby, Microserfs.

My Blog

Duct Tape

I will be the first to say that Duct Tape (submitted by Nolan) is not one of my finer pieces of writing.  I found it difficult to come up with any type of story I could name duct tape, so I decid...
Posted by Brown on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:47:00 PST

Scenic Views (Juxtaposition)

For the topic of juxtaposition (submitted by Matt James) I decided to write a fictional story.  Here it goes: Saxton and I had just stolen a car from Old Man Burgess who lived up towards the...
Posted by Brown on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 02:13:00 PST

A Writing Challenge

I have been doing some thinking lately about our minds and education.  You see, I am not taking any classes as of winter quarter because Ohio University is not offering either of the two classes ...
Posted by Brown on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:30:00 PST

The Institution

The Institution has ruined our minds, teaching us to merely regurgitate knowledge to the officials without understanding the relevance of the information.  Let the Institution do the thinking for...
Posted by Brown on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 05:25:00 PST


The Satellite hovers aimlessly over the horizon searching for a nova only to stumble into a black hole.  A new universe emerges confronting all things familiar.  The fresh world is unsolved ...
Posted by Brown on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:20:00 PST


Today was interesting.  It was also wet.  Beck Sea Change has been in my CD player for the past two days.  I have listened to it all the way through three times over those two days.&nbs...
Posted by Brown on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:24:00 PST


The seas were reckless.  Or maybe just us.  The moon whispered reflections on the water.  Subtle hints of golden white kissing the earth goodnight.  Don't worry.  Tomorrow bri...
Posted by Brown on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:37:00 PST


The rain fell hard that evening.  It shattered windows and pierced souls.  Finally, something came along to sooth the aridness.  It had started to impair everyday functions, the dryness...
Posted by Brown on Fri, 26 May 2006 06:22:00 PST


 Well, well, well I suppose you clicked on this link hoping to read something entertaining.  I am sorry to break the news to you but they dont pay me enough to entertain you.  And no, y...
Posted by Brown on Fri, 12 May 2006 07:58:00 PST