To start off, I want to request that people not whore me. I have fifty pages of friend requests rotting right now for that reason...if you want to be my friend, message me, and we'll talk, however, any messages that say nothing but 'ur hawt', or messages from people who can barely speak English will be ignored. It's not hard to appear intelligent. Try it. If I don't message you back, it's because you made my brain cells cry for mercy, and I obliged.
Next, bands...don't send me requests unless you have really looked at my page, and you feel that I would like your music.
And no, I don't want to join your group.
If I like you, I get clingy...if I don't like you, I will push you away harder than I need to. :)
I am a dead baby joke master. Ask me.
I absolutely adore The Cruxshadows and The Dresden Dolls.
I cannot stand most people between the ages of 12 and...well...there is no certain age group...I'm just talking about the people who call themselves emo, goth, punk, depressed, etc., when they have no idea what any of those things mean. Emo is not a type of person. It's a music genre. Goth and punk ARE types of people...people who are fans or performers of goth or punk rock, respectively...My Chemical Romance, Fallout Boy, Greenday, Manson, and all the other Top 40 bullshit around these days is not included in either of those groups. Label yourselves accordingly, people, and spare yourself the flaming of your life.
Also, depression, which is the newest trend among the kiddies, is not a lifestyle, attitude, or temporary feeling. It is a serious mental condition, and unless you are diagnosed, you aren't depressed. It's not cool to pretend to be mentally ill. It's actually quite pathetic.
I don't tolerate immaturity. I'm an adult, nearly all of the people that I give my time to are adults, let's act like it, eh?
I absolutely cannot stand people who don't know what a pentacle means. It's a symbol of a religion that DOES NOT involve Satan. It doesn't make you evil, it doesn't make you 'goth', and wearing one does not make you a 'witch'. If you know what you are doing, and you wear one, then by all means, who am I to argue? But if you wear one and you think it is your one way ticket to summon the dead and act like a freak, you really need to grow up and get a hobby. It's people like you who give people like me a bad name.
Don't let the preceding fool you, unless I'm given a reason not to like you, I probably will...just be an intelligent, mature person, and we will get along fine.
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