water skiing snow skiing ice skating jetsiiking get my drift I'm a fish! but I also love fashion and good vino go figure!
men,women,aliens as long as you have a sense of humour and don't bore me!
Anything as long as it has style and they can bloody sing! Give me Lily Alen, Manowar,Rhapsody,Muse.David Bowie I could go on forever AND of course Marty Cintron from NO MERCY
ANY!!!!! It's my industry black and white Jerry Lewis to modern day sometimes crap but I love it all!
Only UK (little briton, ab fab, league of gentleman) comedy oh and seinfeld. Now Kath and Kim are back on who can miss a bit of aussie humour!
Anything from spiritual healing self awareness to Stephen King have you read "Fluke"???? Go figure
My mum!AND now Miss Eve Connelly as without her I wouldn't have a job and a true friend and companion!