He Loves Me!!! n I Wurf Him Too!!!* rEd dUnhiLLs *
* reaL Life sTarfiSh Like d oNe in kK * prEtty buTTerfLies * ma cHicas * ma faMilia * ma Self * god * sLeven * girls who aRe good in a million waYs .. the ones who backs off when they know they should .. not the one who stays n ignore the message ' get out of my way ' .. u know who u are bitch
* anythiN caN do * lil' sTars * jAne n mE 'gilaing' iN d cAr siNging to wAtever We cAn * mE n gEe pretEnding 2b d dJ in d House aT ma cRib * sTeph sinGing jIwang kaRat sOngs till shE end uP crYing * wink wink ~~ * basiCally, i Listen tO anyThing tat mAkes me hAppy n aLL d pEoPle aRound mE *
* something that doesnt damage my mental *
* move bitch * heard before ? my life is full of drama .. so i dont need tv shows ..
*mY daDdy*
*mY mOm*