We'd like to believe that pornography is strictly an intellectual activity, that it has no behavioral repercussions or emotional implications. We have been told that it's a matter of free speech. We've been told that it's a "victimless" crime because we can't see any immediate victim. There is no corpus delicti to prove someting has been killed. There is no empty shelf to show us what has been robbed.
Though there is no smoking gun, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that a death has taken place. Those who want you to believe pornography is a First Amendment right won't talk about the silent devastation that occurs in the hearts of men, women, and children when someone in their family adopts the Playboy philosophy of disposable relationships. They just argue that pornography is "free speech" and try to persuade you that it has no effect other than the brief thrill of the moment. They want you to think that pornography is but a moment of time in an otherwise productive life.
They don't want you know that the images of, and experiences produced by, pornography are permanently burned into your mind by a curious mixture of hormones that are released when sexually explicit materials are viewed. They don't want you to know that this mix of hormones becomes more potent when the sex portrayed involves violence or fear. They especially don't want you to know that as a result of this "imprinting" process, sex for you will now be linked with fear, violence, and shame. (An Affair of the Mind, by Laurie Hall)
"If you believe that a pornographic book or film cannot affect you, then you must also say that Karl Marx's Das Kapital, the Bible, the Koran, and advertising have no effect on their readers or viewers."
Dr. Victor B. Cline, Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children
"The massive unleashing of sexuality which is occuring in the Western civilization is a reflection of cultural deline. It is well-known that an inverse relationship exists between indiscriminate sexual expression and cultural excellence. It is cause, therefore, for extreme alarm when an industry flourishes to the extent of billions of dollars annually whose product for distribution are sexually explicit depictions of the vilest debasement of women, men, and children."
Harold M. Voth, M.D., "The Psychological and Social Effects of Pornography," in Pornography: A Report
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