I have been singing all my life. I wrote my first song at the age of 8. It was a Christmas song called "Who Loves Christmas"...I still remember all the words. Through high school, I participated in the orchestra (violin) and chorus. To the annoyance of my closest friends, I could often be heard singing or humming in class or in the hallway....I usually imitated Madonna...but I also enjoyed Janet Jackson, and Whitney Houston. I always wanted to be in drama or in a talent show, but was always too shy to audition.
At the age of 19...my heart was broken by a foreign exchange student, and my writing talent resurfaced. I wrote a song called "I Still Miss You"...I didn't know it then, but it turned out to be a freestyle song. It was later cut by an artist named Else and was also recut by a group called The Cover Girls for their album ..Here We Are......After this, I wrote many more songs in this genre and had other cuts with Luis Damon and Judy Torrez.
I met a very talented young arranger named Frankie Cutlass....I had a song entitled Love Me Tonight and along with his hot track this song was cut and released by another freestyle artist named Cynthia..this became a rather big hit in NY and Florida.
At this time, although I was happy that I had met some success placing my material....I felt incomplete. I knew in my heart that I wanted to sing....I had been told that although I had a good enough voice....I didn't have "the look"....so I put that part of my dream on hold and decided that if I couldn't be an artist....I was going to be a great writer. To be successful, however, I knew I would have to move in a different direction creatively.....I needed to write songs that were more commercial/pop oriented.....so I began to write ballads, country songs, upbeat pop, and dance pop....unfortunately no one in my circle of association had any connections.......
At that time I was about 25 and knew I needed something to fall back on and pay the bills...I began college and became an occupational therapist....I also married and had two beautiful children...but music was always in my heart....throughout these years, I was part of a few projects, but none took off.....nonetheless, I continued to write and with each song a new maturity both lyrically and melodically was born.If there was one thing I knew, it was that I could write a killer hook.
A few years ago, while working with a producer/friend, I was given a guitar as a gift from him....I usually wrote song melodies in my head without an initial chord progression, so this was a new means of inspiration....I began writing immediately and this became the start of my folk catalog....(I have amassed quite a catalog of songs of many different styles....I have probably written over 100 songs)...Now it is time for me to get out there...I don't care what anyone has to say...I am doing this for me....I am not going to hold back anymore.....I am not going to feel intimidated.....I know I am good enough.....I am going to follow my heart and sing my originals....I am also going to actively seek to place my other material.......If It Is To Be...It Is Up To Me...Ten words to live by....Well That's All Folks...tell me what ya think!!