God, Religion, Art, Yoga, Capoeira, Music, Travel, Culture, Health, Natural Medicine, People, Nature, and so much more.
I'd like to meet:
Everyone...we each have something to offer.
Everything that has a good message, that might uplift my spirit and put me in a good place. I can't say that I like I all music cuz a lot of it sucks and has no meaning or even any talent within.
Team America was hillarius!!!, The City of God, The Mortycycle Diaries, Ray, Supersize, Blah Blah Blah!
Da Ali G Show, The Family Guy, Simpsons, and Futurerama. Those are the only shows I ever watch.
The Urantia Book, Poisin Wood Bible, oh man there are so many great books!
Jesus Christ, Mother Thereasa, Ghandi, Buddha, and my grandmamma.