Hallvarður Ãsgeirsson is an icelandic artist with a degree in composition from Iceland Academy of the Arts. He's also a skilled guitar player and has been making music from an early age. Hallvarður has released an album recently on Paradigms Recordings, called LÃfsblómið, featuring pieces written in the time he studied at the Art Academy.
LÃfsblómið is available at the PARADIGMS RECORDINGS website
Las Casas (1998)
TrÃó Dr. Benways (1998)
Awaiting Suffocation (1999)
Varði Goes on Tour (2000)
OfbirtÃng (2001)
Varði Goes Europe (2002)
Spegilmynd Pupunnar (2003)
Storsveit Nix Noltes- Orkideur Havai(2005)
Hallvardur Asgeirsson - Lifsblomid (Paradigm 2006)
LÃkn - LÃkn (Andrými 2007)
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