My first instrument I learned was the accordion. At the age of maybe 8 years I tortured my bellow and came in contact with music. Some time later, when I was 11 I started to learn an very old classical instrument - the Cello. My teacher was Henrik Mumm. He's also a good double bass and e-bass player. You can see one of his projects here: ----> . I began to love many kinds of instruments and so I took lessons in electric guitar wit 14 years. Sören Jordan showed my the best and most beautiful things of this great soundmachine. ----> . I played in classical orchestras and now in accordion orchestras, a metal band (, a jazzband ( and I'm doing some solo projects, if I got time to do it.
At the moment I'm studying the accordion at the Hohner-Konservatorium in Trossingen with my following instructers: Hans-Günther Kölz, Werner Glutsch, Fritz Dobler, Wolfgang Russ and many more.