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About Me

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I am an easy going straight male.
I hold an ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) license with helicopter and airplane multi and single engine ratings.
I do also take care of my duties as personal manager of my thai wife Two Yupa , nowadays we are living in Spain.
I spent many years forging my airplane pilot career in Dallas - Texas
but I really wanted to fly choppers (helicopters) so I moved to Newport News - Virginia to get my rotorcraft helicopter ratings.
Flying an airplane is easy and fun but while cruising there are no references close to the airplane so you can not feel anything exciting, flying a helicopter is completely different, once you start to get the chopper on a hover you are flying then you have to be able to bring balance to a completely unstable flying machine.
Flying choppers is really challenging and I love it.
I also hold some Bodybuilding degrees:
-Graduado como ENTRENADOR NACIONAL de MUSCULACIÓN/Técnico de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness 1º nivel por la IFBB* y por la APECED.
-Graduado en Nutrición y Suplementación Deportiva Avanzada por la IFBB y por la APECED.
-Graduado como Entrenador Personal por la IFBB y por la APECED.
-Graduado como Entrenador de Musculación por la IFBB y por la APECED.
*Internacional Federation of Body Builders.
Out of flying, I also do writer and photographer works for MMA Cross Combat Magazine and Primera Linea magazine from Spain.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

NICE people

My Blog

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