Brandi Sue profile picture

Brandi Sue

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a mother of two very energetic and imaginative kids. I have been married to Jerry for 8 years although we have lived and raised our kids together for 9 years (we have been together 11 yrs! and we still haven't killed each other, YET).We met working at Kipplee's together and I think it was love at first sight. Perhaps not first sight because I couldn't remember his name but the first time he asked me to come home with him I blindly went and never looked back. He says he was saving from sadness that I seemed to be consumed by. I have still never looked back and he still saves me when I need it. Life is never too much to handle any more."I love the time I spend with my kids but am also trying to hold on to my own personality. I love being home, but it is time that I finish school and begin a career. I asm going to school to become a preschool teacher and some day a director. My kids have never gone to daycare and I want to keep it that way!

My Interests

..I love to learn! I also enjoy going out with my husband, laughing, and spending time with my family and my friends.

I'd like to meet:

People who love me for me, who dare me to be more, who will be proud of my achievement, and who will help me up when I fall. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!


I usually listen to country music. I love George Srait, Louis Armstrong, Bon Jovi, & James Taylor. I also enjoy '80 Rock and fun oldies.


I enjoy most movies with an actual story. I hate the shoot em up type movies.


I just love T.V.


I don't get to sit and read very often but when I do I love fictional stories. I just read Tuesdays with Morrie and it was wonderful!


My Husband: He really stepped up and has never let us downMy Mom: She raised four of us and is only a little crazy ;)

My Blog

Can you imagine going to the doctor for...

..> Five Facts on Female Orgasm 6 of 6 Funny, we're suddenly feeling&a bit&hystericalFrom ancient Greece to Freud's time, doctors stimulated orgasms in women via "medical massage" to treat ...
Posted by Brandi Sue on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:09:00 PST

Ballet Class

I have to take a minute to brag.  Marion had her first ballet class last night.  All the teachers and the director were amazed that she had not had any classes before!!  I must say she ...
Posted by Brandi Sue on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 04:35:00 PST

New e-mail address

We finally moved up in the world and got high speed internet!  Maybe cable TV will be next (Naa.. Jerry's too cheap) He only consented to high speed because I am taking an online coarse.&nbs...
Posted by Brandi Sue on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 05:00:00 PST

Taking the Plunge!

I am so... excited and scared!  I am going  back to school in three weeks.  It has been eight years since I quit USI.  I am going to go to IVY Tech to get an associates in Early Ch...
Posted by Brandi Sue on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:58:00 PST