..I love to learn! I also enjoy going out with my husband, laughing, and spending time with my family and my friends.
People who love me for me, who dare me to be more, who will be proud of my achievement, and who will help me up when I fall.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
I usually listen to country music. I love George Srait, Louis Armstrong, Bon Jovi, & James Taylor. I also enjoy '80 Rock and fun oldies.
I enjoy most movies with an actual story. I hate the shoot em up type movies.
I just love T.V.
I don't get to sit and read very often but when I do I love fictional stories. I just read Tuesdays with Morrie and it was wonderful!
My Husband: He really stepped up and has never let us downMy Mom: She raised four of us and is only a little crazy ;)