Big Ned profile picture

Big Ned

About Me

We are Big Ned. We are Doom 'n' Roll.
We are a band from Glasgow. We like slow bluesy Rock music and we like Country and Western. We like David Lynch movies. We love dark Americana. We love trance. We think three chords is too much.
The single "Bad Angel" b/w "Killer" and the album "Big Ned" are out on Optimo Music. Get them at all good record shops, or if you must, iTunes etc. They look good, sound good, and make you look and sound good.
We are gigging:
They call themselves ‘doom’n’roll’ and cites their influences as being ‘drugs and alcohol’. They’re also big David Lynch fans, which is no surprise; the quintet are like some bad dream blend of Nick Cave, Elvis Presley and Throbbing Gristle. Murderously-baritoned lead singer ‘Minister’ John Murray wears a bare chest and Stetson like an extra from Cruising, and coils his mic cable like a lasso. Big Ned are dark and weird, and conjure a powerful black atmosphere which feels like it’s dripping from the ceiling. Framed alternately by a strobe and a hellish red light, they burn for just half an hour, then they’re gone.

My Interests


Member Since: 20/01/2007
Band Members: Minister J. Murray, D. James Clark, Dougie Morland, Ego "Bob" Fludd, "The Glove" Stewart
Influences: Drugs and Alcohol

Sounds Like: Free MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

Record Label: Optimo Music (
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Apologies to everybody about the dodgy messages - unless you've particularly enjoyed them and were just happy to get any action in your box.. No, its time to free my machine of the maggot, the leech a...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:54:00 GMT


There are rumblings in the jungle people, not long now, not long now...............
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 07:23:00 GMT