..1. I am a history buff. My two areas of most interest are western religion (Jewish, Christian, and a little Muslim) and the USSR. I didn't fight a secret war in Nicaragua so you could walk the streets badmouthing Lady Liberty, in your damn mirrored sunglasses!
2. I had a soccer career before jumping into the wild world of professional hackeysack. I met, and in some cases fucked, most of my childhood idols. It was a really valuable experience, shaping my views on people, management, fears and dreams all at the same time.
3. A tea drinker for years, lately I've been appreciating Scotch. I dabbled in pacifism at one point, but not in ‘Nam of course.
4. I had an Irish accent until I was five. I started talking like John Wayne to sound more American.
5. The first rocket I ever built convinced Japan to pull out of WWII. Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.
6. I told those fucks down at the league office a thousand times that I don't roll on Shabbos!