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I am here for Networking

About Me

When and why did ENJOY-ALL come about?
The digital platform ENJOY-ALL belongs to the company COVETA NET 2007 S.L. with C.I.F. B-046000813,This project came about because of the enormous difficulties and the limited aid that independent artists are offered to make known both themselves and their works, and furthermore, with the intention of helping those artists who are beginning their careers in the worlds of film or music, providing them with a place and a space where they can broadcast their work by means of the powerful tool which the Internet has become.
How does it work?
In ENJOY-ALL we have designed by means of search filters a system of online auditions which will allow the user to find the artist which he wishes to see or hear both quickly and precisely; in this way both the users, agents and those looking to hire artists will be able to save themselves a great deal of work by getting in touch directly with the artist who most closely meets the required criteria. To get in touch you can send an electronic message by means of the push-button.
What do we offer the users?
The other big advantage of this platform is to be able to offer film lovers and music fans a space in which they can enjoy brand new innovative works in which the users have the possibility of interaction by displaying their support for the independent artists by reproduction of the works, voting for their favourites and downloading files. Furthermore they will be able to get in touch with their favourite artists by e-mail.
Where are the download fees going to go?
Enjoy-all is the first site on internet wich devotes 100% of the profits produced the downloads of songs to the artists themselves. This new method of buying music has the advantage that music goes directly from the author to your pc and the money that you spend on music that you like goes directly to the author. Trying to help the new artists to have a chance.
What reward is offered to the owners of the rights of the videos shown?
Since the video format quality is insufficient for its sale and free showing is offered, the management of ENJOY-ALL has decided that 25% of the company profits are devoted to prizes to be shared out amongst the most viewed videos, and these prizes will be a way of rewarding those video artists who allow us to reproduce their work, and thus helping them to produce their work with a bigger budget and greater means at their disposal. Another part of this percentage will be reinvested in improvements and financial support for artists.
What about artistic rights using enjoy-all supports?
All the enjoy-all supports are completely free for new artists.enjoy-all supports are managed by the artist, considerating our profound respect to the work and effort which it entails to carry out all your works, the artists will have total access to modify,change or remove all the works uploaded, in cases where the artist cancels his subscription or one of the works we will proceed to eliminate the work from our database, not keeping any copy or any right on the work.

My Interests