Fighting Back Cancer profile picture

Fighting Back Cancer

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Pamela. I am 28 years old. I decided to start a page on Myspace for people that are going through a fight with cancer, have had one, or have lost anyone to this disease. I recently had a fight with cervical cancer and won, thank God. There is nothing like the feeling that you get when you are told that you could die. Even though you may have people there for you and a strong support group, you still feel alone. No one can understand what you're going through. God was my only hope. I clung to Him with all that I had and never lost hope. Satan wanted me to think I'd been defeated, but the joke is on him. I was miraculously healed by the power of the Almighty and thanks to Him, I live to tell others my story. I think it's very important for men and women to educate themselves on the dangers of cancer. Please feel free to join my page and tell your story. You never know who might read it and draw from your strength. If you need anyone to send up prayer for you, I would gladly be that someone for you. Please message me any prayer requests that you may have if you'd like.HOW OVARIAN CANCER IS DIAGNOSED:Ovarian cancer may cause several signs and symptoms. However, most of these may also be caused by benign (non-cancerous) diseases and by cancers of other organs. The most common symptom is back pain, followed by fatigue, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain and urinary urgency. These symptoms tend to occur very frequently and become more severe with time. Most women with ovarian cancer have at least 2 of these symptoms.Others symptoms, which tend to occur later in the course of the disease, are prolonged swelling of the abdomen, abdominal pain and cramping, a feeling of pelvic pressure, vaginal bleeding, and leg pain.If there is reason to suspect you may have ovarian cancer, your doctor will use one or more methods to be absolutely certain that the disease is present and to determine the stage of the cancer.HOW BREAST CANCER IS DIAGNOSED:You will probably begin by seeing your GP (family doctor) who will examine your breasts. If your GP thinks that cancer may be present, or is not sure what the problem is, you will be referred to hospital for specialist advice or treatment.At the hospital the doctor will take your medical history before carrying out a physical examination. They will examine your breasts and feel for any enlarged lymph glands under your arms and at the base of your neck.The following tests may be used to diagnose breast cancer. You may have one or two of the tests, or a combination. It can be helpful to have a friend or relative with you when you go for any tests or to get your results:*Mammography *Ultrasound *Colour Doppler ultrasound *Needle (core) biopsy *Fine needle aspiration *Blood tests *Excision biopsy *One-stop clinicsHOW PROSTATE CANCER IS DIAGNOSED:Cancer is a serious and life-threatening disease. Yet many cancers have surprisingly few symptoms. Prostate cancer is, to a large extent, a silent disease.In most cases, prostate cancer is detected during a routine prostate exam. Since many men do not schedule routine rectal exams, prostate cancer may have already reached an advanced stage by the time of diagnosis.When prostate cancer does cause symptoms, they are frequently confused with those of BPH or enlarged prostate, a very common condition in men over 55.Men often associate urinary problems (incomplete urination, frequent urination, interrupted urine flow, urgency, weak urine stream, straining to begin urination) with "simply getting older." But these may be symptoms of prostate disease, which is why yearly checkups are essential.Advanced prostate cancer (cancer which has spread to other parts of the body) often demonstrates more symptoms such as:†Blood in the seminal fluid †Impotence †Back pain and fatigue ♥However, the lack of these specific symptoms does not mean that advanced prostate cancer is not present.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has a story that they feel like sharing. People who will reach out to comfort others that share the same experiences as they do.


My Blog

Hormone treatment may speed cancer spread

Hormone treatment may speed cancer spread --> --> --> -->Source: (, October 01, 2007 --> -->BALTIMORE  Oct. 1, 2007  Shutting down hormones that stimulate tumor growth may pu...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:36:00 GMT

Chemo pill produces equal survival

Chemo pill produces equal survival --> --> --> -->Source: (, September 29, 2007 --> -->BARCELONA  Sept. 29, 2007  Colon cancer patients who took a chemotherapy pill surviv...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:35:00 GMT

Larnyx cancer added to NexProfiler treatement options tools

Larnyx cancer added to NexProfiler treatment options tools --> --> --> -->Source: (, September 27, 2007 --> --> --> -->SEATTLE  Sept. 27, 2007  This year more than 41,000 ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:34:00 GMT

New type of drug oxidizes cancer cells

New type of drug oxidizes cancer cells --> -->Source: ( Thursday, September 27, 2007 --> --> --> -->BARCELONA  Sept. 27, 2007  An experimental drug that attacks cancer in an entir...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:31:00 GMT

Melanoma drug spurs immune cells

Melanoma drug spurs immune cells Source: (, September 05, 2007 --> --> --> -->COLUMBUS, Ohio  Sept. 5, 2007  A new study shows that an important drug used in the treatment...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 22:17:00 GMT

Experimental MS drug may also treat leukemia

Experimental MS drug may also treat leukemia Source: (, September 01, 2007 COLUMBUS, OH  Sept. 1, 2007  A drug currently being tested as a treatment for multiple sclerosis ma...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:37:00 GMT

HPV vaccines may decrease chances of oral cancer

HPV vaccines may decrease chances of oral cancer Source: (, August 31, 2007 CHICAGO  Aug. 31, 2007  The vaccine that prevents infection by the virus that causes cervical cance...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:36:00 GMT

More screening fails to reduce aggressive cancer

More screening fails to reduce aggressive cancer Source: (, August 29, 2007 ROTTERDAM, Netherlands  Aug. 29, 2007  Screening men more often did not catch more cancers at an ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:35:00 GMT

Cancer drug proves effective in liver cancer

Cancer drug proves effective in liver cancer Source: (, August 27, 2007 WAYNE, N.J. and EMERYVILLE, CA  Aug. 27, 2007  Patients taking a new drug for liver cancer did so much...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:34:00 GMT

Purple corn and dark berries may slow colon cancer

Purple corn and dark berries may slow colon cancer Source: (, August 21, 2007 BOSTON  Aug. 21, 2007  Dark-colored fruits and vegetables may provide protection against colon ca...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:32:00 GMT