Rossella profile picture


About Me


20 Things you may know (or not know) about me
1)I ABSOLUTELY love shopping. I am a shop-aholic
2)I have a younger sister and she is the most important thing to me.
3)I am totally fond of one guy that doesn't want me...
4)30 Seconds to Mars are my favorite band (really? :) ) and End of The Beginning is my favorite song.
I am also proud to affirm that i have been the very first italian echelon since 2001 - 2002.
5)I am some kind of writer.
6)I can't do anything without listening to the music.
7)I am not the kinda girl wo sleeps with many men.
8)I was engaged once
9)I like very much drinking alcohol. A lot of alcohol. And I love beer.
10)I smoke many cigarettes per day.
11)I love watching tv series. X-Files, Lost, Grey's Anatomy and DH are my favorite ones.
Actually I am a X-Files addicted and a proud X-Philer and a shipper fanfic writer.
12)I am as crazy as a mad cow. Especially when I am drunk.
13)I don't have tons of friends. My friends are all old friends.
My best friend and I met for the first time when we were 6 years old.
14)I am not able to pretend. People who know me can easily understand my mood just looking in my eyes.
15)I believe in Fate and I am fucking scared by death.
16)Once I was a Flamenco Dancer. But I have no pics to prove it at the moment.
17)My favorite Movie is The Lord Of The Rings, my favorite books are The Lord of The Rings(Tolkien),
The Bronze Horseman and Tatiana And Alexander(Paullina Simons). I read a lot of books, by the way.
18)I love London, Madrid and I am saving money to go to United States.
19)I live by the sea and I love to spend my free time to stare at the stunning colors of the sea and the sky.
20)I couldn't live without:my family, my friends, 30 STM, my mobile, internet, my mp3 player, my
cigarettes, a blank paper and a pen.

My Interests

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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor ...

My Blog


"Mi ero quasi arreso all'idea che questa vigilia non avrebbe avuto fine. Sera dopo sera sarei sceso a lucidare il mio sogno, quasi fosse davvero il momento di partire, ma non sarei partito mai. Prigio...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 01:17:00 GMT

and now what can I do?

Fuck! he's gone again. And  I didn't see him. Let's see when he comes back. In the meanwhile is better forgetting his beautiful face. And I hope that my dreams won't betray my willing. Fuck!
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 03:45:00 GMT

I miss you!

Si tu no vuelves, se secarán todos los mares y esperaré sin ti tapiado al fondo de algun recuerdo Si tu no vuelves, mi voluntad se hará pequeña me quedaré aquí junto a mi perro espiando horizontes... ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:08:00 GMT


I am not lucky in love. What the fucking hell...I've run over black cats that are luckier than me. I am merely burdened with a mild sense of misfortune because I can't find a man to love and who loves...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:28:00 GMT

The Unforgiven

Dal mio ultimo lavoro, "The Unforgiven". "La vidi ed il cuore mi si riempii di tenerezza, la vidi e capii che ero stato lontano da lei per troppo tempo, la vidi e avvertii l'urgenza di stringerla tra...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 18:52:00 GMT


From   LATEST NEWS:***07.03.2007 30 SECONDS TO MARS A grande richiesta arrivano finalmente in Italia 30 SECONDS TO MARS, la band americana ai vertici delle classifiche americ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 04:30:00 GMT

On Holiday

Alzai per un attimo gli occhi stanchi dal giornale che avevo comprato in aeroporto. Era uno di quei    giornaletti che costavano poco più di un euro e che avevano come unica funzione ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 04:02:00 GMT


Un cielo grigio sui miei occhi e dentro me, il sole ha abbandonato gli alberi e il mare e' in tempesta. Dove e' il sorriso? che fine ha fatto quel bianco disarmante, quella luce accecante, quei baglio...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jul 2005 12:30:00 GMT

Up to the sun

Look into my eyes, there's an empty space between us, my heart it's about to break, my skin burns when you're close to me. And I'm suffering again, it's an already heard story, it's a fallen...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jul 2005 00:22:00 GMT

My book

Giusto due pezzettini di testo dall'ultimo libro, che sto ancora scrivendo. Giusto per dare un'idea... Christopher salì al piano di sopra ed entrò in camera di Angela senza bussare. Non bussava mai; q...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Jun 2005 12:28:00 GMT