Wscieklosc i Duma profile picture

Wscieklosc i Duma


About Me

Football matches and rock'n'roll makes me a little out of control... Dzisiaj jest Niedziela, my nie idziemy do kosciola, my idziemy na mecz, nas pilka nozna wola... Gdy nie mam co robic i wszystko mnie wkurwia ide zalac rylo bar jest czynny od poludnia... Jedyny moj cel to zniszczyc cos bez celu... Ta bitwa jest przegrana lecz my nie cofniemy sie, bo nasz honor to walczyc i nigdy nie poddac sie. Przewazajaca sila wroga na pewno nieprzestraszy nas. My walczymy do konca choc nie mamy szans. NIC NIE ZATRZYMA NAS! ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests

music - football - beer - woman (yeah woman. one's enough, thank you) - good times - vodka - zubrowka - good food - wine - gigs - road trips


999, 4 Skins, Agent Bulldogg, Alternative TV, Arbeiterklasse, Argy Bargy, Awantura, Badlands, Bakers Dozen, Baranki Boze, Boehse Onkelz, Bierpatrioten, Boots Brothers, Bunker 84, the Business, Chelsea, Cock Sparrer, Cockney Rejects, Crop no. 1, Demented Are Go, Division 250, Endstufe, Enharjarna, Estirpe Imperial, Evil Conduct, Evil Skins, Fear City, the Gits, the Gonads, Haggis, Haircut, the Herberts, Heroes, Indecent Exposure, the Jinx, the Junkers, Kampfzone, Kategorie C, KdF, Komintern Sect, Konkwista 88, Last Riot, the Last Resort, Les Vilains, Mauser, the Meteors, Menace, Metal Urbain, Midgards Soner, Moonstomp, Odwet, P.T.T.B., Perkele, Polska, the Professionals, Ramones, Ramzes & the Hooligans, Resistance 77, Retaliator, Rezystencja, the Rogues, the Ruts, Szczerbiec, Section 5, Sex Pistols, Sham 69, Shrapner, Skrewdriver, Skint, Snix, Stoerkraft, Stormwatch, the Stranglers, Super Yob, T.M.F., Tolbiac's Toads, Triglav, UK Subs, Ultima Thule, Vibrators, the Warriors, Werwolf 77, Desmond Dekker (R.I.P.), Laurel Aitken (R.I.P.), Judge Dread (R.I.P.), the Specials, Madness, the Selecter, Arthur K & the Originals, Slade, Sweet, Small Faces, the Yardbirds, Dr. Feelgood, Motorhead...


"Clockwork Orange". "Wings of Desire", "Konopielka", "Man Bites Dog". "Trainspotting", Russ Meyer.


Nothing good on TV.


John King (The Footbal Factory, Headhunters, England Away, Human Punk, White Trash, The Prison House). Books about the Crusades, Slavic tribes, Poland's early through medival period. Long ago Charles Bukowski, Jim Thompson and P.K. Dick. Even longer ago - Zbigniew Nienacki and Edmund Niziurski, books about air forces during WWII, especially Division 303 of R.A.F.


JS III, Boleslaw Chrobry, Ignacy Pederewski, Roman Dmowski, Polish men who fought for freedom during WWII